Kamis, 30 Desember 2010
Din Akan Beri Khutbah Jumat di Pontianak
Antara - 47 menit lalu
Pontianak (ANTARA) - Ketua Umum Pimpinan Pusat (PP) Muhammadiyah Prof Din Syamsudin akan memberikan khutbah di Masjid Raya Mujahidin, Pontianak, Jumat (31/12).
"Beliau akan menjadi penceramah di Masjid Raya Mujahidin Pontianak, sekaligus Shalat Jumat," kata Ketua Panitia Musyawarah Wilayah (Muswil) Muhammadiyah Provinsi Kalimantan Barat (Kalbar), Tedy Heriyadi, di Pontianak, Kamis.
Ia menjelaskan Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah itu juga akan membuka Muswil Muhammadiyah Kalbar serta silaturahmi dengan pengurus di sini.
"Rencananya, Din Syamsudin akan berada di Pontianak sehari, lalu beliau akan langsung pulang karena masih ada kegiatan lain, sehingga di sini tidak bisa lama-lama, apalagi agendanya penuh," katanya.
Dalam silaturrahmi dengan pengurus daerah Muhammadiyah Kalbar, Din akan membicarakan perkembangan persyarikatan ke depan.
"Ada tujuh isu strategis yang akan dibahas pada Muswil yang nantinya akan dilaporkan kepada pengurus pusat untuk ditindaklanjuti, di antaranya korupsi," katanya.
Untuk itu, kata dia, diharapkan partisipasi masyarakat, pemerintah dan organisasi lainnya untuk bersama-sama menyukseskan Muswil ini, karena hal itu juga untuk kepentingan bersama.
"Jelas, Muswil Muhammadiyah ini diadakan untuk kepentingan bersama," kata Tedy Heriyadi.
Kami mendukung suksesnya acara serta Musda ini.
Minggu, 26 Desember 2010
Presiden minta Menpora layangkan protes
Malaysia bermain cemerlang dan tundukkan Indonesia 3-0
Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono meminta Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga Andi Mallarangeng melayangkan protes resmi ke Federasi Sepak Bola Asean (AFF).
Situs The Jakarta Post memberitakan protes tersebut terkait dengan sinar laser dari para pendukung Malaysia ke para pemain Indonesia di laga pertama babak final Piala AFF di Stadion Bukit Jalil di Kuala Lumpur, Minggu (26/12) malam.
Sinar laser tersebut dianggap mengganggu konsentrasi para pemain tim Indonesia di lapangan.
Pemakaian laser ini sempat diprotes para pemain Indonesia dan pertandingan sempat dihentikan beberapa saat di babak kedua.
Setelah pertandingan dilanjutkan kembali, Indonesia kebobolan tiga gol tanpa balas.
Usai pertandingan, pelatih Indonesia Alfred Riedl mengatakan faktor nonteknis antara lain menjadi penyebab pertama kekalahan Indonesia di Piala AFF tahun ini.
Riedl mengatakan ada kegiatan tak penting dari PSSI dan banyak permintaan wawancara kepada pemain, yang mengganggu konsentrasi tim.
"Hal itu tidak perlu," kata Riedl seperti dikutip kantor berita Antara.
Laga kedua babak final Piala AFF akan digelar di Gelora Bung Karno pada Rabu 29 Desember.
Indonesia harus menang minimal 4-0 bila ingin menjuarai turnamen ini.
Di babak penyisihan, Indonesia menang 5-1 atas Malaysia.
Mudah mudahan hanya sebagai wacana bahwa Kecurangan ini hanya pada permainan bola, tidak berlanjut pada tapal batas negara serta zona exclusif laut indonesia serta batas tanah negara kesatuan republik indonesia, sehingga tetangga merasa aman bersama dan berdampingan, menuju dunia internasional yang sejahtera.
Investasi perkebunan mohon juga jangan diambil sebagai langkah perluasan dan pencaplokan wilayah, namun bertujuan mensejahterakan masyarakat sekitar perusahaan berinvestasi di bumi Kalimantan dan Bumi Sumatera.
Rumah Boat Resmi Jadi Wisata "Peringatan Allah"
Semoga menjadi peringatan bagi kaum yang mengerti akan kebesaran Allah.
Banda Aceh (ANTARA) - Situs tsunami rumah boat (perahu) di Gampong (desa) Lampulo, Banda Aceh, Minggu, resmi dijadikan objek wisata "Peringatan Allah" dalam rangka visit Banda Aceh Years 2011.
Boat nelayan yang bertengger di atas pertapakan rumah warga itu, sebagai salah satu bukti sejarah tentang dahsyatnya musibah pada Minggu, 26 Desember 2004, diyakini bisa menarik perhatian wisatawan.
Peresmian itu ditandai dengan dibukanya selebung oleh Wakil Walikota Banda Aceh Illiza Saaduddin Jamal di sela doa bersama warga mengenang enam tahun tsunami di Lampulo, Banda Aceh.
"Situs tsunami ini menjadi objek wisata peringatan Allah, karena dengan melihat ini orang bisa berpikir kekuasaan Maha Pencipta yang tiada tara," katanya.
Di pertapakan bekas rumah milik Abasiah itu ada sebuah prasasti bertulis testimoni singkat tentang boat yang ikut menyelamatkan 59 orang saat tsunami tersebut dalam tiga bahasa, Indonesia, Aceh dan Inggris.
Di sana juga terbentang sebuah spanduk berisi foto-foto 59 korban selamat dalam boat milik nelayan itu saat gelombang tsunami menyapu pesisir Aceh.
Pemilik rumah itu, Abasiah mengatakan dia ikut selamat dari tsunami setelah naik ke dalam boat, yang saat itu berlalu di depannya. "Saya naik ke sana dan ada 59 orang di dalam kapal itu," katanya.
"Setelah kapal berhenti, saya baru tahu ternyata kepal itu berhenti tepat di atas rumah saya," kata Abasiah.
Keusyik Lampulo, Alta Zaini mengatakan, warganya sudah siap memberi kenyamanan kepada wisatawan yang berkunjung ke objek wisata "Peringatan Allah" dan siap menjadi pemandu.
"Kami berharap wisatawan asing akan datang mengunjungi objek wisata bersejarah ini dan sekarang itu sudah mulai didatangi," ujarnya.
Dia mengajak keluarga korban tsunami mengambil hikmah dari musibah itu dan jangan terus larut dalam kesedihan.
Objek wisata "Peringatan Allah" itu selain menjadi tempat merenungi musibah tsunami, diharapkan bisa menjadi sarana meningkatkan perekonomian warga sekitar.
Kisah "Perahu Nabi Nuh" di Lampulo
Liputan 6 - Kamis, 30 Desember
Liputan6.com, Banda Aceh: Pagi itu, becak motor yang membawa dua penumpang melaju santai di ruas jalan menuju tempat pendaratan ikan Lampulo, Kota Banda Aceh, Nanggroe Aveh Darussalam. Di sisi kiri jalan, puluhan unit kapal ikan bersandar di dermaga kayu pinggir Sungai (Krueng) Aceh yang airnya bewarna kecoklat-coklatan.
Beberapa nelayan yang bertelanjang dada asyik merajut jaring di atas kapal. Tidak ada aktivitas kapal berlayar di Krueng Aceh pada Ahad, 26 Desember 2010.
"Pak, kenapa tidak ada boat berlayar pagi ini, lazimnya aktivitas nelayan yang pulang atau pergi melaut untuk menangkap ikan pada pagi hari seperti di daerah lain," tanya penumpang becak motor yang mengaku dari Jakarta dan tengah mengisi liburan akhir tahun di Banda Aceh.
"Hari ini, para nelayan seluruh Aceh tidak melaut untuk mengenang kembali peristiwa tsunami enam tahun silam," kata Usman, pengemudi becak motor itu.
Mata wisatawan itu tertuju pada sebuah rumah yang di atasnya terdapat seunit perahu tidak beda dengan boat-boat yang bersandar di TPI Lampulo tersebut. "Kapal nelayan yang ada di atas rumah warga itu merupakan salah satu bukti tsunami dan orang-orang menyebutnya sebagai `perahu Nabi Nuh` yang terhempas gelombang laut enam tahun silam," kata Usman.
Saksi enam tahun lalu menyebutkan, 59 warga di atas kapal ikan nelayan yang terhempas ke daratan terselamatkan saat tsunami, 26 Desember 2004. Dan kisah para korban tsunami itu tertuang dalam sebuah buku saku yang ditulis oleh 10 dari 59 orang yang menjadi penumpang perahu nelayan tersebut, enam tahun silam. Buku saku itu berjudul Mereka Bersaksi.
Abasiah, salah seorang korban selamat, mengisahkan, saat tsunami menjangkau permukimannya di Lampulo dengan ketinggian lebih dari satu meter, tiba-tiba perahu nelayan itu muncul di hadapannya. "Waktu itu, kami sekeluarga yang masih berada di dalam rumah langsung ke luar, dan tanpa pikir panjang memanjat kapal yang sudah berada di hadapan kami," katanya.
Karena air laut yang mencapai daratan terus meninggi, sebagian warga keluar melalui atas rumah untuk mencapai kapal nelayan itu. "Itu kapal bersejarah dan telah banyak warga terselamatkan dari tsunami," kata Abasiah.
Abasiah, warga Lampulo yang rumahnya berdekatan dengan TPI itu menceritakan awal "perahu Nabi Nuh" tersebut bertengger di atas atap rumah permanen miliknya. "Awalnya, saya mengira perahu itu sengaja didatangkan untuk menyelamatkan orang-orang dari amukan air laut menerjang permukiman penduduk," katanya.
Di dalam rumah permanen yang kini masih bersemayam "perahu Nabi Nuh" itu, Abasiah tidak sendiri ketika tsunami sebab ada anak-anaknya yaitu Agin, Ghazi, Thoriq, Zalfa, dan seorang putri angkatnya, Yanti.
"Dari jendela lantai atas, saya melihat banyak boat ikan yang hanyut di depan rumah dengan kecepatan tinggi, seperti mobil-mobilan yang ditarik mundur lalu dilepaskan," ujar Abasiah.
Abasiah mengisahkan, saat itu mereka yang berada di lantai dua bangunan rumahnya, terus berdoa dan berzikir seraya saling meminta maaf karena "akan berakhirnya sebuah kehidupan". "Waktu itu tidak ada tangis, tapi wajah-wajah ketakutan sambil terus berdoa dan berzikir berharap hanya ada pertolongan dari Allah, jika memang kami masih diberi kesempatan untuk hidup," katanya.
Setelah semuanya berada di atas "perahu Nabi Nuh" itu, Abasiah dan orang-orang lainnya terus mengaji, berdoa, berzikir kepada Allah, selain menyaksikan kehancuran akibat diamuk tsunami, 26 Desember 2004. "Kami melihat kapal cepat yang membawa penumpang Pulau Sabang-Banda Aceh tidak bisa berlabuh dan helikopter terbang di atas," katanya.
Saksi peristiwa tsunami lain, Samsuddin Mahmud, mengaku bahwa ia dan beberapa orang tetangga merupakan rombongan pertama yang naik ke atas "perahu Nabi Nuh" itu. "Awalnya kami mengira bahwa perahu ini sengaja didatangkan oleh `malaikat` untuk menyelamatkan orang-orang," kisahnya.
Sebelum menaiki perahu itu, Samsuddin yang sudah berada di lantai dua rumah tetangganya mengaku ketinggian di lantai tersebut lebih satu meter dan bewarna hitam pekat. "Ketika saya sudah berada di lantai dua rumah milik tetangga, air sudah sebahu. Kemudian, tiba-tiba terlihat perahu itu dan kami langsung berebut menaikinya," katanya.
Kisah korban selamat lainnya, Erlina Mariana Rosada Sari, mengisahkan bahwa sewaktu dalam boat tersebut, sempat gelombang laut silih berganti menerjang daratan dan dalam waktu bersamaan guncangan gempa masih terasa. "Orang-orang di dalam perahu ini terus mengumandangkan azan dan berdoa. Hanya doa dan zikir yang bisa kami lakukan saat tsunami itu," katanya.
Erlina menyatakan, dari atas perahu itu menyaksikan rumahnya luluh-lantak dan daratan tanpa bekas karena sudah dipenuhi air keruh. Ibarat hamparan lautan yang luas.
"Perahu Nabi Nuh" yang tidak lagi berlayar dan tetap tegak bersandar di atas atap rumah Abasiah di gampong Lampulo. Bahkan, tidak bertuan. Kini, tempat itu dijadikan sebagai salah satu aset wisata peninggalan tsunami.
"Perahu itu menjadi salah satu objek wisata yang memiliki makna sebagai peringatan Allah, karena dengan melihat ini orang bisa berpikir tentang kekuasaan Sang Maha Pencipta yang tiada tara," kata Wakil Walikota Banda Aceh Illiza Sa`aduddin Djamal.
"Rumah boat" atau "Perahu Nabi Nuh" yang berjarak sekitar dua kilometer dari pusat Kota Banda Aceh itu saat ini menjadi objek wisata yang menarik bagi wisatawan. Tidak hanya warga nusantara, tapi juga turis asing. Selain menyaksikan bukti fisik, para wisatawan juga bisa mendengarkan kisah-kisah unik dan ajaib dari peristiwa tsunami enam tahun silam dari korban selamat di "Rumoh Boat" atau "Perahu Nabi Nuh" itu.
Keusyik (Kades) Gampong Lampulo Alta Zaini mengatakan, warganya sudah siap menerima wisatawan yang akan berkunjung ke situs tsunami tersebut. "Perahu Nabi Nuh" yang kini bersemayam di lantai dua rumah Abasiah itu memiliki sekitar 18 meter, berkonstruksi kayu, dan kini telah dibangun tangga untuk mencapai bagian dalam boat tersebut.(ANT/SHA)
Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010
Laurent Gbagbo tak bisa akses dana di bank
Bank sentral negara-negara Afrika Barat (BCEAO) memblokir akses Laurent Gbagbo terhadap dana Pantai Gading dan mengakui Alassane Ouattara sebagai presiden yang sah.
BCEAO mengatakan hanya pemerintah yang sah yang bisa mengambil simpanan dana di bank tersebut.
"Dewan Menteri Keuangan telah menyampaikan surat kepada PBB, Uni Afrika, dan Ecowas bahwa Alassane Ouattara adalah presiden Pantai Gading yang sah," kata pernyataan para menteri keuangan negara-negara Afrika Barat seperti dikutip kantor berita AFP.
Bank tersebut sebelumnya didesak untuk membatasi akses dana sehingga ia sulit untuk menggaji militer dan menambah tekanan bagi dirinya untuk mundur.
Sebagian besar militer Pantai Gading mendukung Gbagbo.
Sikap Majelis Umum PBB
Krisis yang dipicu sengketa hasil pemilihan presiden sejauh ini telah menewaskan setidaknya 173 orang tewas.
Seorang pejabat senior PBB mengatakan hasil investigasi menunjukkan terjadi pembunuhan semena-mena, 90 kasus penyiksaan, 500 penangkapan, penculikan, serangan seksual, dan pengrusakan rumah.
Dewan HAM PBB mengaku prihatin dengan kekerasan di Pantai Gading dan dengan suara bulat mengeluarkan resolusi mengecam tindakan kekerasan di negara tersebut.
Bagbo mengatakan pilpres pada 28 November, yang dimaksudkan untuk menyatukan semua elemen masyarakat Pantai Gading, tidak berjalan mulus terutama di kawasan-kawasan yang dikuasai pemberontak.
Ia mengklaim terjadi kecurangan di kawasan tersebut yang menguntungkan Ouattara.
Komisi independen pemilihan umum memutuskan bahwa Ouattara memenangi pilpres, keputusan yang kemudian diakui oleh PBB.
Namun Dewan Konstitusi mengatakan Gbagbo adalah pemenang yang sah, karena terjadi kecurangan di beberapa daerah.
Pada hari Kamis (23/12) Majelis Umum PBB mengakui kemenangan Ouattara dan menyatakan diplomat pilihan Ouattara sebagai wakil resmi Pantai Gading di PBB.
Rabu, 15 Desember 2010
Browsing Through the World Factbook
Browsing Through the World Factbook
The big, comprehensive, and recurring reference work is a classic Government publication type. One of my favorites of this kind is the CIA’s annual World Factbook. Since 1980, this massive volume has been a mainstay for anyone interested in the various countries of the world.
Although the Factbook has all kinds of information about a country’s geography, people, government, economy, population, communications, transportation, and military, plus both inset and foldout maps, the section that always draws my attention is “Transnational Issues.” If, as Thomas Carlyle said, “Happy the people whose annals are blank in history,” then happy is the nation whose World Factbook profile has nothing under that heading. The subheads include “Disputes – International,” “Refugees and internally displaced persons,” “Illicit drugs,” and “Trafficking in persons.” It’s amazing how few countries meet this definition of happiness. Of course, many underdeveloped or newly formed nations, like Chad and Moldova, suffer from these ills, but so do Denmark (disputes with Iceland and the UK over the Faeroe Islands continental shelf; Faeroese interest in full independence), New Zealand (territorial claim in Antarctica; amphetamine use), and Portugal (“Portugal does not recognize Spanish sovereignty over the territory of Olivenza based on a difference of interpretation of the 1815 Congress of Vienna and the 1820 treaty of Badajoz”; gateway for the international drug traffic).
Of course, a peaceful disagreement between Spain and Portugal is a long way from the simmering armed conflict between Eritrea and Ethiopia, but boundary disputes and international crime are, unhappily, common currency in the world – and what better place to find out about them, and a host of other developments, than the World Factbook? The CIA maintains the Factbook here, or you can get your own copy here.
This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 14th, 2010 at 9:36 am and is filed under Central Intelligence Agency. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Indonesian Translate :
Browsing Melalui World Factbook
Pekerjaan referensi besar, komprehensif, dan berulang merupakan jenis klasik Pemerintah publikasi. Salah satu favorit saya semacam ini adalah tahunan CIA World Factbook. Sejak tahun 1980, volume yang besar telah menjadi andalan bagi siapa pun yang tertarik di berbagai negara di dunia.
Meskipun Factbook memiliki semua jenis informasi tentang geografi suatu negara, masyarakat, pemerintah, ekonomi, kependudukan, komunikasi, transportasi, dan militer, ditambah baik inset dan foldout peta, bagian yang selalu menarik perhatian saya adalah Jika "Masalah Transnasional.", sebagai Thomas Carlyle berkata, "Berbahagialah orang yang sejarah yang kosong dalam sejarah," maka bahagia adalah bangsa yang World Factbook profil ini tidak ada dalam pos. The subjudul termasuk "Perselisihan - International," "Pengungsi dan pengungsi," "obat terlarang," dan Ini menakjubkan betapa beberapa negara memenuhi definisi kebahagiaan "Perdagangan manusia.". Tentu saja, negara-negara berkembang atau baru terbentuk banyak, seperti Chad dan Moldova, menderita penyakit ini, tetapi begitu juga Denmark (perselisihan dengan Islandia dan Inggris atas landas kontinen Kepulauan Faeroe; bunga Faeroese dalam kemerdekaan penuh), Selandia Baru (klaim teritorial di Antartika, penggunaan amfetamin), dan Portugal ("Portugal tidak mengakui kedaulatan Spanyol atas wilayah Olivenza berdasarkan perbedaan interpretasi dari 1815 Kongres Wina dan perjanjian 1820 dari Badajoz"; gateway untuk lalu lintas obat internasional).
Tentu saja, perselisihan damai antara Spanyol dan Portugal adalah jauh dari konflik bersenjata mendidih antara Eritrea dan Ethiopia, namun batas perselisihan dan kejahatan internasional, sayangnya, mata uang bersama di dunia - dan apa yang lebih baik tempat untuk mencari tahu tentang mereka, dan sejumlah perkembangan lain, dari World Factbook? CIA Factbook mempertahankan sini, atau Anda bisa mendapatkan salinan Anda sendiri di sini.
Catatan ini telah diposting pada Selasa, 14 Desember 2010 jam 09:36 and is filed under Central Intelligence Agency. Anda dapat mengikuti respon untuk entri ini melalui feed RSS 2.0. Anda dapat meninggalkan sebuah respon, atau Pelacakan dari situs Anda sendiri.
Semoga bermanfaat.
Link :
Selasa, 14 Desember 2010
Visa Card MSN Mega jackpot
Bahagia rasanya memiliki dana, menang mega jakpot, dan lain lainnya.
Namun alangkah sedihnya ketika kami mendapatkan berita setelah menghubungi agen, bank atau korespondensi bahwa biaya harus dikirim, karena untuk pengiriman dari asal dana atau bank pembayar atau agen pengiriman, tidak akan mengirim jika penerima dana, penerima menang ataupun penerima manfaat.
lalu apa yang terjadi, ini merupakan metoda supaya kita mempunyai file saja, karena kita tidak punya dana untuk bisa dikirim walaupun untuk membayar biaya kirim sekalipun.
Jadi, apapun bentuk release dana baik menang, hadiah, konpensasi atau bonus, atau penghargaan, ataupun yang lain sebutan apapun, hanya akan mendapat predikat, tidak akan mendapatkan manfaat apapun.
Ketika setiap siapa yang menghubungi dan meyakinkan walaupun hanya dengan segi bonus sekalipun, karena kondisi kami yang tidak mungkin untuk bisa mengirim lagi, baik ke Nigeria, Benin Republik, United Kingdom, Netherland, Malaysia, Bangkok, Thailand, Amerika Serikat, Australia, Netherland, semua tidak akan kami lakukan.
Sebab memang benar benar tidak ada biaya baik ongkos kirim maupun biaya untuk mendapatkan pengacara dalam menandatangani penerimaan sertifikat, mendapatkan sertifikat pada pengadilan tinggi negara lain, untuk mendapatkan cek terbayar sekalipun, tidak akan dilakukan.
Namun ketika sebuah release dana transfer benar benar diterima tanpa diwajibkan mengirimkan biaya terlebih dahulu, atau dapat di ambil untuk keperluan biaya, maka ini baru benar benar sebuah kenyataan.
Walaupun kenyataan ini hanya sekali lolos untuk dari seribu transaksi, sangat diharapkan siapapun dapat menolong, membantu atau pemerintah dengan bijaksana merilis dana tersebut kepada saya legal dan tanpa permintaan pengiriman biaya kirim terlebih dahulu maka ini sangat diharapkan.
lalu apa yang diharapkan dari ini? hanya untuk kemegahan yang semu saja, ada di blog ini khusus pameran.
Sepucuk surat dari IMF
Jika mempunyai kesempatan besar, tetapi tiada daya untuk mengupayakan jika meminta pembayaran, maka yang terjadi semua kesempatan akan sia sia belaka.
yang ada hanyalah penyesalan untuk bisa direnungkan, setiap waktu, setiap saat, dan setiap apapun angan angan akan berbicara, mendapatkan dan menghayal, memikirkan dan merangsang otak untuk segera bertindak.
siapapun akan terlena setiap penawaran, atau akan mencari penawaran atau juga akan mencari kesempatan yang sama, tetapi tiada bantuan, tiada kebijakan apapun terkait penerima dana, setiap orang tidak akan mau membantu, menolong atau berbagi kebahagiaan dengan keikhlasan, sedangkan setiap individu jika mempunyai kesempatan akan bertindak sekuat tenaga untuk mendapatkannya.
apa daya ketika setiap penerima manfaat akan dihubungi untuk diminta pembayaran, maka jika siapapun akan membantu menolong ataupun mencarikan solusi terhadap apa yang terjadi dengan diri ini, silahkan kontak langsung ke sintang_skr@yahoo.co.id mengatakan apa sebenarnya, apa baiknya, apa wujud bantuannya, karena setiap manusia mempunyai keterbatasan, baik yang mampu dan yang lemah, yang seorang milyarder atau triliuner, ia akan merahasiakan kepada siapapun, dan akan merebut kesempatan.
Namun jika ada yang baik hati dengan kami silahkan kontak langsung, baik dengan cara kontak surat, atau lainnya sepertihalnya bertemu langsung pribadi, memungkinkan jika kebenaran adalah hal nyata, jangan ragu untuk bertanya dan memberi saran pendapat kritikan atau lainnya.
sekarang saya menunggu anda baik melalui ponsel ataupun email, surat maupun bertemu langsung.
terima kasih pembaca semua, mengerti apa kata hati, apa daya untuk mencapai puncak gunung, tanpa tenaga, lesu dan letih, hanyalah bantuan dari siapapun yang ingin membantu, dan ketika mencapai puncak gunung, tak akan hanya mengandalkan sendiri, tetapi akan kembali ke bumi, bahwa dari lembah yang paling dalam aku bergerak, dengan bantuan dan dorongan aku bangkit, tak secarik kertas pun akan aku lupakan, dan menggantinya denga buku catatan.
Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010
Menkominfo Resmikan Desa Informasi di Bengkayang
Menkominfo Resmikan Desa Informasi di Bengkayang
Antara - Minggu, 12 Desember
Jagoibabang, Kalbar (ANTARA) - Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Tifatul Sembiring, meresmikan 14 desa informasi secara serentak yang dipusatkan di Desa Jagoi, Kecamatan Jagoi Babang Kabupaten Bengkayang, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, Sabtu.
Peresmian desa informasi oleh Menkominfo di Jagoi dan empat desa lainnya di Kalbar, serta 10 desa yang tersebar di Tanah Air merupakan program lanjutan dari desa informasi di Aruk, Kabupaten Sambas tahun 2009.
Sementara di Kalbar sendiri ada lima Desa Informasi yang diresmikan oleh Menkominfo, di antaranya Desa Informasi di Desa Senaning, Kecamatan Ketungau Hulu, Kabupaten Sintang, menyusul Desa Nibong, Kecamatan Paloh, Kabupaten Sambas.
Selain itu Desa Jagoi, Kecamatan Jagoi Babang, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Desa Badau, Kecamatan Badau, Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu dan Desa Balai Karangan, Kecamatan Sekayam, Kabupaten Sanggau.
Desa informasi lainnya yang juga diresmikan secara simbolis oleh Menkominfo, yakni empat desa di Provinsi Kalimantann Timur, terdiri atas Desa Aji Kuning, Kecamatan Sebatik Barat, Kabupaten Nunukan, Desa Liang Butan, Kecamatan Krayan, Kabupaten Nunukan.
Demikian pula Desa Long Loreh, Kecamatan Malinau Selatan, Kabupaten Malinau, Desa Tanjung, Kecamatan Bungutan Timur, Kabupaten Natuna.
Untuk Provinsi Kepulauan Riau meliputi Desa Silawan, Kecamatan Tasifeto Timur, Kabupaten Belu, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur Desa Lenganeng, Kecamatan Tabukan Timur, Kabupaten Sangihe, Provinsi Slawesi Utara.
Desa Sota, Kecamatan Sota, Kabupaten Merauke, Provinsi Papua, serta Desa Yayasan, Kecamatan Morotai Selatan, Kabupaten P Morotai, Provinsi Maluku Utara.
Desa Jagoi, adalah desa yang berbatasan langsung dengan negara tetangga Malaysia Timur (Sarawak), untuk menuju ke desa itu memerlukan waktu tempuh sekitar delapan jam perjalanan darat, dari Pontianak - ibu kota Kabupaten Bengkayang enam jam perjalanan.
Selain itu masih membutuhkan waktu dua jam ke Desa Jagoi Babang, Siaran televisi dan radio di desa tersebut lebih didominasi dari Malaysia, karena lokasi desa itu sangat dekat dengan negara tetangga itu.
Menkominfo Tifatul Sembiring mengatakan, program desa informasi, merupakan upaya pemerintah untuk menjadikan masyarakat pintar.
"Malah militer menjadikan informasi sebagai strategi dalam memenangkan sebuah peperangan," katanya.
Selain itu, informasi juga bisa digunakan untuk menjaga keutuhan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
Menurut Tifatul Sembiring, program desa informasi memiliki delapan unsur, di antaranya, program desa berdering, desa pinter, radio komunitas, pemberdayaan kelompok informasi masyarakat perbatasan, media center, TV penerima siaran berlangganan, media pertunjukan rakyat dan M-CAP, yaitu fasilitas kendaraan roda empat yang di dalamnya tersedia fasilitas internet, telepon, faximile, DVD player dan TV LCD.
Sementara itu, Bupati Bengkayang Suryadman Gidot mengucapkan, terimakasihnya atas dipilihnya Desa Jagoi sebagai pusat peresmian desa informasi dari 13 desa lainnya.
"Kami berharap dengan diresmikannya desa informasi di Bengkayang bisa menjadi jembatan penghubung kesenjangan informasi dan komunikasi yang saat ini terjadi," katanya.
Selama ini masyarakat Jagoi atau perbatasan hanya mendengar dan melihat informasi dari negara tetangga. "Mudah-mudahan kehadiran desa informasi masyarakat kami bisa menyaksikan sendiri perkembangan negaranya sendiri," kata Suryadman.
Rabu, 08 Desember 2010
The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula
“Copy Exactly How I Generate $1,927 Per
Day Online Almost Effortlessly”
By Mr. X
Now, let’s start making some automated revenue as I promised you!
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
Legal Disclaimers
All material in this document is copyrighted. No part of this document may be altered in any
fashion without expressed written permission of the author.
This publication is sold or given with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in
rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice. If legal or other expert assistance is
required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.
We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent this system and its potential for
income. Earning and Income statements made by our company and its customers are estimates of
what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of
income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual.
As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity,
business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of
success you may experience. All testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do
not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone
will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her
background, dedication, desire and motivation.
There is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be duplicated in the future. We cannot
guarantee your future results and/or success. There are some unknown risks in business and on
the internet that we cannot foresee which can reduce results. We are not responsible for your
The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and
you agree that the author and our company are not liable for any success, loss, or failure of your
business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase or usage of our information, products
and services.
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
What is “The Lazy Cash Formula”?
Listen carefully….
If you copy exactly what I reveal in here, I know as a fact you will start
seeing some fast revenue come in. It’s simple and super lucrative once
you see what I discovered.
This method is something that I’ve been using to generate a full-time
income online (yes, more than enough to literally retire for life) with
minimal effort.
It’s a secret formula that has worked time and time again to add
income streams and give yourself as many “pay raises” as you’d like.
The most successful guy doing this formula is now making well into
the millions PER MONTH off this secret little network!!
Now, that’s one of the more extreme cases but even if you barely put
any effort in, you be easily make a six figure income on auto-pilot.
You don’t need a product, website, or anything – just a few “copyand-
paste” methods promoting certain products.
As we know promoting the right way will make us a lot of money. A
So how do we do this? How do we know how and what to promote?
Well, here’s a little secret I’ve been using under the radar.
I use the power of a hidden network called Payzeno at:
This little network is pure gold. It is the source for proven templates
on how to promote something so that it converts for you.
The merchants or product owners literally give you a blueprint (or
exact recipe) on how to promote the products profitably. These
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
blueprints reveal the exact traffic sources and what ads and methods
to use. So all you literally do is copy their template on how to promote.
There is little margin of error when starting because you can just copy
the template. It’s proven to convert into commissions and bring you
easy revenue since merchants have tested it.
I will be teaching you how to optimize it further so that your profits
will rocket from making $50/day or $100/day to well over $1,000 a
day using my strategies.
See this screenshot below, I had one Payzeno account that made this
much in a few days and I literally forgot about it! Their templates
work very well.
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
The STEP-BY-STEP Lazy Man’s Formula
So the basic steps to set up these income streams is:
1. Sign up for a Payzeno Account here:
Make sure you use a Paypal account (get one here
www.paypal.com as you will be paid directly to your Paypal!)
You will get an affiliate link to use and get credited for sales you
refer through it. So your goal is to get targeted traffic to this
affiliate link. Usually, this can be hard. However, see next how
Payzeno solves this issue for us. Choose ‘Promote’ when you log
2. Copy some of the blueprints to promote – here is one
example as they show exactly what to do to start earning:
You can also select from the top-5 products at the current
moment and use one of the blueprints:
All you need to do is to copy how it’s done. If the blueprint says
advertise, then you can bet that if you ran those ads like they
show, it can convert well into earnings for you! Just follow the
3. Keep adding new blueprints to your portfolio and
expand your profits.
I’ve copied many of the blueprints in this network and it’s pure
gold after you keep the roll.
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
So here’s a detailed example from one of their blueprints:
I’ve used this blueprint and earned quite a bit. Below is a screenshot:
So what we will do is first open some advertising accounts at search
engines like http://adwords.google.com or
http://sem.smallbusiness.yahoo.com/searchenginemarketing/ or
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
We then start up campaigns using that exact advertisement and
keywords that the blueprint provides. That’s one of the methods in
the blueprint.
Also, here’s a screenshot of yet another method in the blueprint:
The method #2 here involves us to post on the forum
I will go inside and use that signature within my profile edit. Then, I’ll
contribute to the forum areas there – this also brings targeted traffic
to my affiliate link to make some easy commissions!
If you do nothing else, using and copying those templates will get you
paid a nice stream of online revenue. You are now officially making
money online! Easy right?
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
Now, the next step is to really grow your revenue streams from these
How do we take it to the next level?
The answer is expanding and optimizing.
So let’s take another blueprint that shows you to advertise on
keywords like:
Reverse phone search
Reverse cell lookup
Phone number directory
You can easily increase your profits by adding new keywords that the
merchant has not even given out. Think … what types of keywords are
searched by people who want this product?
One idea for this is to add in phone numbers as keywords!
Just look up “popularly searched phone numbers”, see what they are
and add those as your keywords.
That’s one example of expansion.
Another example is … say you know this product is targeting people
who are doing reverse phone lookups.
What other websites on the internet contain people who are after this?
Detective websites for example! You can find those and start
advertising on them. This will expand the traffic you bring to your
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
affiliate link as well as earn you more commissions than even the
blueprints themselves can.
This is not really needed but you can really increase your income even
further this way.
Another advanced trick to really expand your profits is to cloak your
affiliate link on your own domain:
http://www.YourDomain.com => http://payzeno.com/a/yourid/xx
This can easily increase your profits because you can even print this
domain on business cards and hand them out. This will also drive
traffic and buyers through your affiliate link.
Let’s say you were targeting people looking for the reverse phone
search product. You can place your business card in the phone
booths’ yellow pages.
This can drive traffic to your domain – which contains your affiliate
Having your domain also decreases costs on pay per click for the
search engines – did you know?
Optimizing is really just tweaking what the blueprints already show
you and MILKING more profits from proven channels of traffic.
So this is how my personal lazy cash formula works. I found this
network/marketplace that offers exact recipes on how to promote
stuff. I then copy their marketing blueprints and set it on auto-pilot.
Keep this your own little secret too.
Take action right now, and copy exactly what I revealed to you here. It
will be some fast revenue just via those blueprints.
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
As the merchants improve their blueprints, just keep copying these
and your own income will increase over time as well.
Expanding your profits to the NEXT level:
Becoming a Merchant on Payzeno
Note: If you read no further, you will still do very well with
the blueprints as described above. However, this next
section is for people who really desire to add EVEN more
Now, copying the various blueprints of the merchants on Payzeno can
be very lucrative and easy. You can make a lot of money through it,
but to me – another level begins if you do BOTH affiliate marketing
using the blueprints AND sell your own product on Payzeno.
Creating and then placing up your own product on Payzeno is a slight
bit more work than just being an affiliate and copying the blueprints.
But just stick with me, it’s not as hard as you think ;)
It is another powerful income stream with its own advantages, and
actually very rewarding.
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
The beauty of it is that you can literally sell ANYTHING on here and
get paid directly via your Paypal account. Then just test out a good
converting blueprint (profitable for affiliates) and other affiliates will
automatically help you!
So first thing is first …. What products can I create?
The key to this is EASY once you get it…. Find a hot-selling market.
Contrary to what many people believe, it’s better to sell something
that is HOT at the moment (despite heavy competition – rather than
some obscure market where there is little competition). Also, if you’re
using Payzeno to sell, competition will have little effect because a
good, proven blueprint will take you above and beyond. I’ll explain in
a little bit here.
DO NOT WASTE TIME with small, obscure markets or products.
So what are some hot-selling markets?
How to lose weight. How to save money. How to make extra money.
How to attract the opposite sex. How to trade stocks well. How to get
a six pack bodybuilding. See these ideas? Pick one and do your own
spin on it.
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
Let’s take the weight loss market. I can sell “Mr. X’s diet system”
assuming I can authentically create something of real value here.
As you can tell, I personally like information products, such as selling
e-books on Payzeno.
HINT: Here’s one market that will do well in the near future I know –
it’s “how to make money on Payzeno”. Yes, I’ll be releasing a great
top-of-the-line product here since I’ve had a lot of success being an
affiliate with Payzeno’s blueprints. The public blueprints are great
income, but I still have some super secrets that raise it to astonishing
income. You may want to consider this as well.
Next, how would you create this product?
Let’s take for example – e-books – you can generally write them
yourself and place them up on a website. You can also hire an expert
to write them for you by going to sites like www.guru.com
If you’re looking to sell physical products, then you need to find a
distributor and suppliers for this.
As for your product website, make sure to present your product in a
good light. Describe its benefits and how it will help the person. Don’t
be afraid to toot your horn about how well your product does for
If you don’t know how to set up a web page to effectively describe
your product, then you can also hire someone at www.guru.com
called “copywriters” to do it for you. It will be well worth the
Finally, how do you create a blueprint for this product?
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
This can really make your product a huge success – so pay attention
This may be the toughest part BUT it’s really not that hard. One of the
easiest, sure-fire ways to create a blueprint is by going to:
Click on “Website content” and then enter your product website URL.
This will give you the relevant keywords that people looking for your
product may be searching for.
Now, run an advertisement on the pay per click search engines. Wait
for many clicks and see which keywords CONVERT the best. See
which keywords convert at a high rate.
These are the keywords to add to your blueprint for that product. It’s
best to test very well first before giving it out – because other affiliates
will trust you to test things before they try to promote your products.
This is built on your reputation as a merchant so only give out
blueprints you have thoroughly tested and proven to convert into
product sales. When in doubt, keep testing and seeing which traffic
sources convert well, before giving them on your blueprint.
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
Also give your exact ad out for other affiliates to use. There, you now
have one blueprint method that affiliates can take without effort and
confidently convert well, ideally into profits fast!
Another way to add more methods for other affiliates to copy and
profit – is to find forums related to your product. Do a search on this.
For example, let’s say you are selling a dog training book and kit.
Look for popular DOG TRAINING FORUMS. Then, start posting with
a signature or advertise your product on this forum.
If this medium makes you sales and is profitable, THEN you can
safely place it in your product blueprint for others to use too.
Never forget – TEST, TEST, and TEST until ideally you see those
traffic sources are profitable for other affiliates. Never stop
IMPROVING your blueprint either and adding more proven methods.
The other affiliates will love you for this!
Now, you have your blueprint, your product, and the Payzeno
marketplace will automatically help you like nothing else out there.
That’s it. Now, you have your own product and blueprint driving an
additional layer of income for you day in and day out.
Life gets very good at this point!
Now, I’ve shown you two very powerful exact recipes to do with this
hidden little marketplace. Copy this technique immediately and you
will be thanking yourself. This, I can promise you.
Sincere wishes to you and yours,
Mr. X
The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula
“Copy Exactly How I Generate $1,927 Per
Day Online Almost Effortlessly”
By Mr. X
Now, let’s start making some automated revenue as I promised you!
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
Legal Disclaimers
All material in this document is copyrighted. No part of this document may be altered in any
fashion without expressed written permission of the author.
This publication is sold or given with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in
rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice. If legal or other expert assistance is
required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.
We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent this system and its potential for
income. Earning and Income statements made by our company and its customers are estimates of
what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of
income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual.
As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity,
business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of
success you may experience. All testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do
not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone
will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her
background, dedication, desire and motivation.
There is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be duplicated in the future. We cannot
guarantee your future results and/or success. There are some unknown risks in business and on
the internet that we cannot foresee which can reduce results. We are not responsible for your
The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and
you agree that the author and our company are not liable for any success, loss, or failure of your
business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase or usage of our information, products
and services.
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
What is “The Lazy Cash Formula”?
Listen carefully….
If you copy exactly what I reveal in here, I know as a fact you will start
seeing some fast revenue come in. It’s simple and super lucrative once
you see what I discovered.
This method is something that I’ve been using to generate a full-time
income online (yes, more than enough to literally retire for life) with
minimal effort.
It’s a secret formula that has worked time and time again to add
income streams and give yourself as many “pay raises” as you’d like.
The most successful guy doing this formula is now making well into
the millions PER MONTH off this secret little network!!
Now, that’s one of the more extreme cases but even if you barely put
any effort in, you be easily make a six figure income on auto-pilot.
You don’t need a product, website, or anything – just a few “copyand-
paste” methods promoting certain products.
As we know promoting the right way will make us a lot of money. A
So how do we do this? How do we know how and what to promote?
Well, here’s a little secret I’ve been using under the radar.
I use the power of a hidden network called Payzeno at:
This little network is pure gold. It is the source for proven templates
on how to promote something so that it converts for you.
The merchants or product owners literally give you a blueprint (or
exact recipe) on how to promote the products profitably. These
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
blueprints reveal the exact traffic sources and what ads and methods
to use. So all you literally do is copy their template on how to promote.
There is little margin of error when starting because you can just copy
the template. It’s proven to convert into commissions and bring you
easy revenue since merchants have tested it.
I will be teaching you how to optimize it further so that your profits
will rocket from making $50/day or $100/day to well over $1,000 a
day using my strategies.
See this screenshot below, I had one Payzeno account that made this
much in a few days and I literally forgot about it! Their templates
work very well.
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
The STEP-BY-STEP Lazy Man’s Formula
So the basic steps to set up these income streams is:
1. Sign up for a Payzeno Account here:
Make sure you use a Paypal account (get one here
www.paypal.com as you will be paid directly to your Paypal!)
You will get an affiliate link to use and get credited for sales you
refer through it. So your goal is to get targeted traffic to this
affiliate link. Usually, this can be hard. However, see next how
Payzeno solves this issue for us. Choose ‘Promote’ when you log
2. Copy some of the blueprints to promote – here is one
example as they show exactly what to do to start earning:
You can also select from the top-5 products at the current
moment and use one of the blueprints:
All you need to do is to copy how it’s done. If the blueprint says
advertise, then you can bet that if you ran those ads like they
show, it can convert well into earnings for you! Just follow the
3. Keep adding new blueprints to your portfolio and
expand your profits.
I’ve copied many of the blueprints in this network and it’s pure
gold after you keep the roll.
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
So here’s a detailed example from one of their blueprints:
I’ve used this blueprint and earned quite a bit. Below is a screenshot:
So what we will do is first open some advertising accounts at search
engines like http://adwords.google.com or
http://sem.smallbusiness.yahoo.com/searchenginemarketing/ or
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
We then start up campaigns using that exact advertisement and
keywords that the blueprint provides. That’s one of the methods in
the blueprint.
Also, here’s a screenshot of yet another method in the blueprint:
The method #2 here involves us to post on the forum
I will go inside and use that signature within my profile edit. Then, I’ll
contribute to the forum areas there – this also brings targeted traffic
to my affiliate link to make some easy commissions!
If you do nothing else, using and copying those templates will get you
paid a nice stream of online revenue. You are now officially making
money online! Easy right?
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
Now, the next step is to really grow your revenue streams from these
How do we take it to the next level?
The answer is expanding and optimizing.
So let’s take another blueprint that shows you to advertise on
keywords like:
Reverse phone search
Reverse cell lookup
Phone number directory
You can easily increase your profits by adding new keywords that the
merchant has not even given out. Think … what types of keywords are
searched by people who want this product?
One idea for this is to add in phone numbers as keywords!
Just look up “popularly searched phone numbers”, see what they are
and add those as your keywords.
That’s one example of expansion.
Another example is … say you know this product is targeting people
who are doing reverse phone lookups.
What other websites on the internet contain people who are after this?
Detective websites for example! You can find those and start
advertising on them. This will expand the traffic you bring to your
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
affiliate link as well as earn you more commissions than even the
blueprints themselves can.
This is not really needed but you can really increase your income even
further this way.
Another advanced trick to really expand your profits is to cloak your
affiliate link on your own domain:
http://www.YourDomain.com => http://payzeno.com/a/yourid/xx
This can easily increase your profits because you can even print this
domain on business cards and hand them out. This will also drive
traffic and buyers through your affiliate link.
Let’s say you were targeting people looking for the reverse phone
search product. You can place your business card in the phone
booths’ yellow pages.
This can drive traffic to your domain – which contains your affiliate
Having your domain also decreases costs on pay per click for the
search engines – did you know?
Optimizing is really just tweaking what the blueprints already show
you and MILKING more profits from proven channels of traffic.
So this is how my personal lazy cash formula works. I found this
network/marketplace that offers exact recipes on how to promote
stuff. I then copy their marketing blueprints and set it on auto-pilot.
Keep this your own little secret too.
Take action right now, and copy exactly what I revealed to you here. It
will be some fast revenue just via those blueprints.
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
As the merchants improve their blueprints, just keep copying these
and your own income will increase over time as well.
Expanding your profits to the NEXT level:
Becoming a Merchant on Payzeno
Note: If you read no further, you will still do very well with
the blueprints as described above. However, this next
section is for people who really desire to add EVEN more
Now, copying the various blueprints of the merchants on Payzeno can
be very lucrative and easy. You can make a lot of money through it,
but to me – another level begins if you do BOTH affiliate marketing
using the blueprints AND sell your own product on Payzeno.
Creating and then placing up your own product on Payzeno is a slight
bit more work than just being an affiliate and copying the blueprints.
But just stick with me, it’s not as hard as you think ;)
It is another powerful income stream with its own advantages, and
actually very rewarding.
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
The beauty of it is that you can literally sell ANYTHING on here and
get paid directly via your Paypal account. Then just test out a good
converting blueprint (profitable for affiliates) and other affiliates will
automatically help you!
So first thing is first …. What products can I create?
The key to this is EASY once you get it…. Find a hot-selling market.
Contrary to what many people believe, it’s better to sell something
that is HOT at the moment (despite heavy competition – rather than
some obscure market where there is little competition). Also, if you’re
using Payzeno to sell, competition will have little effect because a
good, proven blueprint will take you above and beyond. I’ll explain in
a little bit here.
DO NOT WASTE TIME with small, obscure markets or products.
So what are some hot-selling markets?
How to lose weight. How to save money. How to make extra money.
How to attract the opposite sex. How to trade stocks well. How to get
a six pack bodybuilding. See these ideas? Pick one and do your own
spin on it.
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
Let’s take the weight loss market. I can sell “Mr. X’s diet system”
assuming I can authentically create something of real value here.
As you can tell, I personally like information products, such as selling
e-books on Payzeno.
HINT: Here’s one market that will do well in the near future I know –
it’s “how to make money on Payzeno”. Yes, I’ll be releasing a great
top-of-the-line product here since I’ve had a lot of success being an
affiliate with Payzeno’s blueprints. The public blueprints are great
income, but I still have some super secrets that raise it to astonishing
income. You may want to consider this as well.
Next, how would you create this product?
Let’s take for example – e-books – you can generally write them
yourself and place them up on a website. You can also hire an expert
to write them for you by going to sites like www.guru.com
If you’re looking to sell physical products, then you need to find a
distributor and suppliers for this.
As for your product website, make sure to present your product in a
good light. Describe its benefits and how it will help the person. Don’t
be afraid to toot your horn about how well your product does for
If you don’t know how to set up a web page to effectively describe
your product, then you can also hire someone at www.guru.com
called “copywriters” to do it for you. It will be well worth the
Finally, how do you create a blueprint for this product?
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
This can really make your product a huge success – so pay attention
This may be the toughest part BUT it’s really not that hard. One of the
easiest, sure-fire ways to create a blueprint is by going to:
Click on “Website content” and then enter your product website URL.
This will give you the relevant keywords that people looking for your
product may be searching for.
Now, run an advertisement on the pay per click search engines. Wait
for many clicks and see which keywords CONVERT the best. See
which keywords convert at a high rate.
These are the keywords to add to your blueprint for that product. It’s
best to test very well first before giving it out – because other affiliates
will trust you to test things before they try to promote your products.
This is built on your reputation as a merchant so only give out
blueprints you have thoroughly tested and proven to convert into
product sales. When in doubt, keep testing and seeing which traffic
sources convert well, before giving them on your blueprint.
Copyright “The Lazy Man’s Cash Formula”
Also give your exact ad out for other affiliates to use. There, you now
have one blueprint method that affiliates can take without effort and
confidently convert well, ideally into profits fast!
Another way to add more methods for other affiliates to copy and
profit – is to find forums related to your product. Do a search on this.
For example, let’s say you are selling a dog training book and kit.
Look for popular DOG TRAINING FORUMS. Then, start posting with
a signature or advertise your product on this forum.
If this medium makes you sales and is profitable, THEN you can
safely place it in your product blueprint for others to use too.
Never forget – TEST, TEST, and TEST until ideally you see those
traffic sources are profitable for other affiliates. Never stop
IMPROVING your blueprint either and adding more proven methods.
The other affiliates will love you for this!
Now, you have your blueprint, your product, and the Payzeno
marketplace will automatically help you like nothing else out there.
That’s it. Now, you have your own product and blueprint driving an
additional layer of income for you day in and day out.
Life gets very good at this point!
Now, I’ve shown you two very powerful exact recipes to do with this
hidden little marketplace. Copy this technique immediately and you
will be thanking yourself. This, I can promise you.
Sincere wishes to you and yours,
Mr. X
Minggu, 05 Desember 2010
Rajawali Menukik di Rumah Kontrakan
06 Desember 2010
Rajawali Menukik di Rumah Kontrakan
DI ruang tamu, lelaki itu menemani dua anaknya bermain. Kausnya abu abu, celananya pendek biru. Bukan -sekadar tempat tinggal, rumah di Kom-pleks Villa Mas, Batam, itu merupakan kantor bagi sang lelaki, Andreas Bambang Armanto.
Andreas adalah Direktur Utama PT Daestra Rajawali Perkasa, perusahaan yang beralamat di rumah itu. Tapi tak ada papan nama ataupun meja kerja. "Ini bukan rumah sendiri, saya masih- kontrak," kata pria 43 tahun ini kepada Tempo, Jumat pekan lalu. Ia lalu menunjuk sedan BMW biru laut di garasi rumah. "Itu juga belum lunas cicilannya."
Lulusan Institut Kesenian Jakarta ini baru pindah ke Batam enam bulan lalu. Di sana ia menjalankan aneka usaha: bengkel, penyewaan mobil, penyelenggara acara seminar, pesta pernikahan, dan ulang tahun. Dalam situs iklan baris Batam, Daestra berpromosi sanggup mendatangkan model, artis, dan pelawak Ibu Kota buat memeriahkan acara yang ditanganinya. Andreas mengaku kenal banyak artis di Jakarta. Bahkan kini ia mengatakan sedang menggarap film. "Judulnya Cewekku Tomboy," katanya.
Sepi order dan sempat kena tipu Rp 200 juta, perusahaan berlambang rajawali hitam terbang menukik ini akhirnya kandas. Andreas banting setir ke bisnis batu bara. Lagi lagi ia memasang iklan baris di situs Internet, mencari staf pemroses data.
Menurut istri Andreas, Dara Juwita, suaminya jarang di rumah. Ia bolak balik Jakarta mencari koneksi buat meluaskan sayap bisnis batu baranya. Andreas mengaku tak punya lahan tambang ataupun kapal tongkang. "Saya ini cuma broker," ujarnya.
Di bisnis ini usaha Andreas tampaknya "lancar". Ia menunjukkan tiga buku tabungan di Bank Mandiri, Bank BCA, dan Bank Danamon. Total isi rekeningnya sekitar Rp 235 juta.
Pada Maret lalu, Andreas mendapat-kan "proyek kakap". Ia mengikat kontrak kerja dengan pengusaha batu ba-ra lain. Dalam dokumen yang diper-oleh Tempo, Daestra meneken akta pin-jaman- dengan jaminan deposito Rp 2 tri-liun kepada PT Keranggo Bakti Persada. Anehnya, deposito itu atas nama Men-teri Agama dan merupakan penempatan setoran awal jemaah haji di Bank BNI.
Keranggo adalah perusahaan yang didirikan Suharto, Ermawan Guntoro, dan Willem Soplantila pada Oktober 2000 di Jakarta. Ketiga pemilik perusahaan itu berpatungan uang Rp 450 juta buat modal awal. Suharto ditunjuk menjadi direktur utama, Ermawan direktur, dan Willem komisaris.
Ermawan mengaku namanya cuma dipinjam oleh Willem buat mendirikan Keranggo. Willem ketika itu meminjam KTP dengan imbalan komisi atau proyek yang dapat dijaring Keranggo. "Jadi saya tidak setor modal ataupun jadi direktur," kata Ermawan, yang juga pernah berbisnis batu bara.
Menurut Ermawan, Keranggo tak mengantongi izin Kuasa Pertambang-an, bahkan duit para pendiri pun terbilang pas pasan. Merasa Willem tak memenuhi janji membagi proyek, Ermawan mengatakan hengkang pada tahun tahun awal perusahaan ini. Sejak itu keduanya jarang bertemu. "Tiga tahun lalu Willem pernah menelepon saya, katanya ada bisnis di Padang."
Pada 2008 Keranggo tercatat jadi mitra PT Citra Persada Energytama, yang menjajakan jasa pengiriman batu bara. Keranggo kebagian proyek mengangkut batu bara dari Pelabuhan Teluk Bayur, Sumatera Barat, menuju Pelabuh-an Belawan, Sumatera Utara. Tak jelas betul cara mereka mengangkut batu bara dari pesisir barat Sumatera menuju pantai timur pulau tersebut.
Belakangan bisnis tersebut bubar lantaran Direktur Utama Citra Persada Achmad Nazir dihukum penjara lima tahun oleh Pengadilan Negeri Banjarbaru, Kalimantan Selatan. Ia dinya-takan terlibat kasus korupsi dana PT Pos Indonesia, yang diduga merugikan negara Rp 40 miliar.
Perusahaan tersebut, bersama PT Pos cabang Banjarbaru, memakai dana dari kantor pusat buat berdagang batu bara. Padahal perusahaan pelat merah itu tak bergerak di usaha pertambang-an. Uangnya hanya boleh dipakai untuk usaha pergudangan, transportasi, dan paket udara.
Dalam arsip Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia, Keranggo tercatat beralamat di Blok N Perumahan Cipinang Indah, Jatinegara, Jakarta Timur. Namun di alamat hanya ada rumah kosong dengan rumput liar me-ninggi di halaman. Kaca jendelanya dilapisi debu pekat, sementara langit langit terasnya ambrol dihajar hujan. Lembaran tagihan air menumpuk bersatu dengan kartu rekening listrik atas nama Indarini. "Rumah itu sudah belasan tahun kosong," kata Puji, yang tinggal di seberang rumah tersebut.
Ermawan membenarkan Keranggo pernah membuka kantor di daerah Ci-pinang. Namun, seingatnya, Willem sempat memindahkan kantornya ke -Gedung Hias Rias, Cikini, Jakarta Pusat. Di gedung empat lantai yang kini hanya dipakai dua lantai terbawahnya itu pun hanya ada kantor pengacara, biro wisata, penjual tas, dan salon. Tak ada kantor Keranggo. Petugas keaman-an dan kebersihan gedung juga tak mengenal ada penyewa bernama Willem.
Dalam surat kesepakatan Daestra, yang membubuhkan tanda tangan untuk Keranggo adalah Syarip Djumadi. Ia menyatakan diri sebagai Direktur Utama Keranggo dan tinggal di Jalan Bhineka Raya, Cawang Baru Tengah, Jakarta Timur.
Namun rumah yang dimaksud Syarip itu ternyata gudang sebuah usaha jual beli mobil. Adi, salah seorang karyawan di tempat itu, mengatakan bahwa rumah sudah dibeli bosnya lima tahun lalu.
Menurut ketua RT setempat, Lisan, ada dua nama Syarip di rumah itu. Sang ayah bernama Syarip Djumadi, sudah meninggal dunia belasan tahun lalu, tapi ada putranya yang juga bernama Sya-rip Djumadi. "Syarip yang anak itu teman main saya waktu kecil," kata Lisan. "Tapi sudah lama pindah ke Malang."
Beberapa warga membisikkan adik bungsu Syarip, Heni, tinggal tak jauh dari rumah tersebut. Tapi Heni, yang ditemui pada Kamis pekan lalu, mengaku sudah lima tahun tak bertemu abangnya. Sejak penjualan rumah keluarga di Jalan Bhineka lima tahun lalu, Heni tak pernah lagi bertemu pria berusia 59 tahun itu. "Hubungan dia dengan keluarga tidak baik," ujarnya.
Heni tak tahu menahu pekerjaan kakaknya itu. Yang jelas, Syarip terus berpindah pindah rumah. Keluarga sempat mendengar Syarip tinggal di Surabaya, Makassar, Jambi, dan terakhir kabarnya ia menetap di Hong Kong.
Ketua Umum Asosiasi Pengusaha Batu Bara Indonesia Bob Kamandanu tak mengenal Keranggo. Asosiasi ini menaungi pengusaha batu bara mulai dari pemain besar sampai konsultan kecil, "Tapi saya belum pernah mendengar nama Keranggo," ujarnya. "Seper-tinya bukan anggota kami."
Bob menjelaskan, perusahaan pertambangan batu bara jumlahnya tak terhitung. Bahkan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral tak punya data yang lengkap. Tak sedikit, kata Bob, mereka pebisnis baru yang ber-usaha meraup untung cepat. "Malah ada yang tadinya bisnis restoran kini masuk ke batu bara," ujarnya. "Orang cepat tergiur pada bisnis ini karena menduga bisa mendapat uang cepat."
Oktamandjaya Wiguna (Jakarta), Rumbadi Dalle (Batam)