Rabu, 30 Desember 2009
Batch Numbers, Reference Numbers, Ticket Numbers, Serial Numbers and Other Winning Numbers
The following lottery names are used in the e-mails described above. Click on link to see one or more emails.
Acculotto.com: IPL/4249859609/WP1 ISW-91237-H067/B4
Acculotto Nacional: LSLUK/2031/8161/07 15/051/IPD 10-23-44-72-80
ACN: acn223/98/32 561/003/51142 51167550044
Afro Europe: UK/9420X2/68 074/05/ZY369 56475600545 188 KTU/9023118308/03
American DV2007 Visa Lottery: ID-6300DV SNVPh700IU
Andalucia Lotto: HGT/AWS/OO/ES ES/657/L08/PO5
Apec: EL0/574/070 4/313/EL
Alltipp Lotto Jackpot: WTWU/2020/INSD MGMT/1880/6700/EUES 04-12-22-34-22 364-441-068
Apple Lottery: AP/9420X2/68NL 994/05/AL306
Applecrest & Grant: 370011672387-290-02 12093782/42 894-4563-001-764-64-2911
Asean Promotions: Asean/3662367114/18 ASEAN/391/04 ASEAN/02ABT/0508/04/BK
Asia Pacific International: EGS/ 22504002/03 15/0018/IPD 085-12876077-09
Asia Pacific Economic: 085-12876077-09 51390-0
Asian Pacific Int'l: ZVD/97835428/58 86/3549/ERN K.YRT/9863457264/985 175-28694235-94
Asia UK: ZFN/22512567303/06 86056490902/204 ASUK/33/36/45/12/06/LW
Atlantic Promotions: ATP/505/998/06 AT-770-SN13-06 00742086-84
Australia Europe Lotto Lottery: 4758961725 ALLINC 70564943902/188
Australian Electronic Lottery: A2000 SO/Ab/CI049/01 02/HW 17212 475061725 7741137002, 7056490900/188 Gb8701/LPrc
Australian International Lottery: Ref: 475061725 7056490902/188 GB8701/LPRC
Australian Lottery: 648 2 3 16 34 36 42 45 475061725 7056490902/188 GB8701/LPRC 47061725 07056490902 7741137002 5-13-33-37-42
Australian Lottery Online: 3 7 9 16 27 28
Australia Lottery System: 648 2 3 16 34 36 42 45
Australia Lotto Lottery: 4758961725 ALLINC 70564943902/188 LDNGB2701/LPRC 47061725 07056490902 7741137002 LP/HW 47509/02
Bank Giro International: 428/70/NUL 24/5766/HGM 52-6-39-15-36-1 2197/03
Bank Giro Loterij: TL 22/53/110DF DYK/82283922/769 11/621/2PDH /NL TL74/633/RS 33/711/641/INL TL/822/552/11AK HL/5564/40/07 11/834/5PDH /EU NL 56/7765 NL553/26/96
Bank Giro Loterij (Peterson): 1NM/BC921245/KY14 NM/207161/WOP 758 46939 472-97168 W-9237-H67/B4
Bank Giro Loterij (Smith): DRF/933221523/542 21/532/8YPK/NL TL 22/23149 TK390/12/67 KG/1960/30/16
DRF/765865/4321 87/765/734/NL TL 54/99733 th912/56/98 KG/65432/97/76
Bank Giro Lottery: BG/04679/SA 8-16-19-43-45-1-4 754/22/76
BankGiro.nl: 24/5766/HGM 428/70/NUL 906747820743 2197/03 52-6-39-15-36-1
Belgium Email Lotto: 57/8703/3PD EGS56/50071245/25
Belkin Aid International: NL-7721-02 BLKN-06
Beverly Hills Sweepstakes: BHS/968/06 409978E 008795727498 BHS/9080648302/06
Beverly International Lottery: 56475612545 187/BH 8686/03/BH BHS/UK/9420X2/70 074/05/ZY345
Big Big Lotto: BBL-18/0105/LOG2012 UK-BBL/0717/05 UKNL/255457014/05 02 10 30 36 37 43 29
Bigtime: EAASL/941OYI/02 12/25/0034 564-75600545-188 5388/02 C/9080118308/02
Bill Gates Foundation: None
Bingolocity: MLI/231-ILGI0431/03 BATCH EAPA/15/096/PTNL 20511465897-6291 472-971103-009 8-66-97-22-71-64
Bingo Lottery: BIN/231-ILGI0431/05 NKEV/15/096/TVFS 20511465463-7644 472-9768-98 8-66-97-22-65-99
Bingo Lotto: Y2K/078/207/APP 9098/D176-FD67 1942896-3498 3021345
Bingo Online Lottery: BOL/0032541005 247300024/2006 0089652 55210 -06
BigTime: EAASL/941OYI/02 12/25/0034 564-75600545-188 5388/02 C/9080118308/02
Blue Moon Lottery International: 132/756/4577 638901527-BC67 278511465896-6452 3772-554 3-14-18-23-31-45
BMW International Awareness: BMW/2441257016/21 7657645545100 BMWP/226543451008
BMW Lottery: x7pwyz2005 BMW:2551256003/23 9420X2/70
Boardline: UKE/34457722/2006 87/097300/UK/UKZ 673-31-167-8755 2-14-65-67-23-54-19 2-14-5-47-23-4-19
Bono Lottery: 18/91/43ZK EGGS-677-374-517 491-520-711-058
Bonoloto Internacional Promotions: ESCP/8578347/06 BATCH:ESLP/4834/06 ESPL/89877676 EBCL/2345609
Bonoloto La Primitiva: LPD/163/86L6/SPNL SPLI/893BSP/7349/89 095-12000077-11
Bonoloto Lottery: LP/26510460037/05 24/00319/IPD LP/26510460037/05
Bonus Lottery: EAASL/9410Y1/02 561701-PCD03 37-13-34-85-56-42 5388/02 KTU/9023118308/07
Box Lotto: EG/2551256003/02 BATCH NO:0007570013 20511465897-6291 472-971103 8-66-97-22-71-64
British American: BAOL/19823108/05/DON 23/012/4774 2314759773 914 19445/02 04-07-50-16-20-01
British Gaming Board: BAL/198243108/05/DON 15/00/4774 56475611545188 19445/12 23-6-89-16-54-1
British Heritage: 1621/BHTF/2006
British Hotball Lotto: 67/80/IPD EGGS-541-623-782 653-908-321-675
British Intercasino: 653-908-321-675 345- 790-241-671 34-87-21-43-90 67/80/IPD EGGS-541-623-756
British International Lottery: BTL/491OXI/04 12/25/0304 564 75600545-188 5388/02 31-6-26-13-35-7 RPC/9080118308/0
British Lottery International: BTL/491OXI/04 12/25/0304 RPC/9080118308/04 564 75600545-188
British Lottery 6/49: 025-1146-1992-750 2113-05 01-06-26-34-39-42 BRLFGP2551256/05
British National Lottery: UK/9420X2/68 UK/9420X2/68 200074/05/ZY369 20511465463-7644 S/N-00168 887 13 865 37 10 83
British Online Lottery: 06010110
British Royal Lottery: UK/9420X2/68 074/05/ZY369 56475600545 188 5368/02 KTU/9023118308/03 5647560054 188
British South Africa Lottery: 14/211/0374 BTL/311OXI/02
British Tobacco: MELI-T/17-F044262312 9901-0148-790-691 6109-17
British Winners Lottery: 37-13-43-85-67-11 FL754/22/76 FL09622UK FL/04/736207152/UK
BTL Lottery: BTL/491oX1/04 12/25/0340 5645600545-188 KPC/9080118308/02
CAF SAFA: ZA/144132/1211 22/523009/LHINT 356-00098-3211-222
Camelot Group: UKL/74A0802742006 2006UKL-01 UKL/74-A0802742006 22-1356-4096-988 A069-07
Camelot Online: 025-1146-1387 213-05 13-15-22-37-39 PS/255/06
Campo Free Lotteria: SUTO/980/TWM/EU WRNM/SMI/5990 10-23-44-72-80 MUOTI/82536 CO/678/11/06
Campo Free (Rosazi): SUTO/551/HTC/EU WRNM/LTW/5990 30-49-62-81-99 MSLFW/6786 CL/689/11/06
Canada Lottery Soccer World Cup 2010 Numbers: EAAL/851OYHI/05 6/49 B9564 75604545 100 46563760 13-17-21-33-41-42
Canadian Lottery: EAAL/851OYHI/04 B9564 75604545 100 5/11/20/23/27/28
Caprabocasa: GLI/JRP 7510676/E1 PUG 32956SE/4TR 01-11-15-29 0187654 3-11-20-24-37-44
Cardiff Lottery: EG/38807886091/05 340/1608/RDL
Carnival Lottery: CVL3-4 FFN-9 21-531011-31 23 25 34 39 43 51 (17)
Cashout Lotto: RES/7132648-05 537462207TW
Casino Award: SLEU/2031/5256/06 19/051/IPF
Catalan Promotional Award: 020/665/8552 3425-2884-CA 79 PG8701/SPMA
Category A Winner: PB-NL/175648323/06 8796-0178/NL-01 65676776886787
Century Lottery: 800/3591/521/LGH
Century Mega Lottery: 80/55/KPC NMGS-549-629-788 653-908-321-675 345-790-241-671
Charities Lottery Promotions: CLP/ 24-FB-426253 42/450002/CLP 644-701-836-872 64483-72 06-14-17-28-30-41
Christian Aid: CH-682-6557, UK-990-86 N231, E101
Circulo: 01-0124 83810-0 346-06279458-048
Coca Cola: (7PWYZ2006) (BT:12052006/20)
Coca Cola BV: 9PGYZ2006 NT: 16056806/20
Coca Cola Company: CCAD/934/08/06 CARN/3215/778/06 BN90/C3-41
Coca Cola Chelsea Football Club Lottery: RR38844240 00147
Coca Cola Digital Network Int'l Lottery: 000/589 3698 000/005 003/LS 4479
Coca Cola Company Seasonal Promotion: EAASL/941OYI/02/SHYN 12/25/0034
Coca Cola Serial Number Lottery: 025-114699-750 12/25/0034 EAASL/SL/9410YI/02/SHYN
Combiplay: CMBNL/4240039609/RFE CMP/12863/XZ CMB/3086/2508/05 CPR4/B549-24 CMP/76231/007 45-18
Connecticut: W2861137/ST 0016827866217 64479543465B44 PLI/4080318306/04
Content Software: GWK/5333/025648/03UAD 241/2002/BLL 1001-58255563-2285 8888/03 GWK/4578/789834/746YU
Continental Lottery: EGGS-304-082-444 12/13/MGM 686-055-075-435 111-947-214 17-87-45-82-66 EGS/227/858/333; 17/7024/IPD EGS/0007459015/03 111-947-214 7-15-5-8-66-17
Crystal Software Lottery: 32:01:00:67:4 3232134 Cy/45829/NL/05 SL8455110 01-37-44-85-486
CVB International: 719/9971/cvsn FZNL/822/29/55 306-314-cvn
Cyber Lottery: NIL-B-3120-01101980-NLBV NIL-B-15-01-05
Dayzer European: WNTO/338/WE/PS TWMT/7796/06 44-05-31-87-11 EMLES/2006/M DEPM/77907/MMC
Dayzers E-mail Lottery International: S23/15/40/12/29/ 54/010/0-PD 216-365-787 32-15-54-35-47
Dayzers Incorporation BV: DZ/610/74NL 021/583/07 KHB/JVT/430/CV
Dayzers International Lottery: D423-117-708-WWW1012 55-OPR-LD42 2264/95/301 W-891-442-H°98/C6
Dayzers Loterj: FAQ/231-ILGI0431/05 EAPA/15/096/FAQ 20511465463-7644 472-9768-98 8-66-97-22-65-99 ABN/5333/025648/03UA
Dayzers Lottery International (Ince): TLOT/553724560/06 51551/AIS7632/ABN TLOT/33372452560/04 025-11464992-750
Dayzers Lottery National: BL4/942651/82 22/111/FME DZL/224521/DDZL 6132 4499/28
Dayzers Nederland: DZNL 492 - 714 - 027 / 2006 NUWL / DZNL / 48326MST TOW 1396 62U7
Dayzers NL International (Sacha): NM/BC921245/KY14 NM/207161/WOP TL 22/53/110DF DYK/82283922/769 11/621/2PDH /NL TL74/633/RS 33/711/641/INL
Dayzers Prime Lottery: 428/77/UML 46/304/GMA 564 64701565 177 7288/03
Dayzers Toshiba: DAYZ/2986542754/TM DAYZ2315620015478 DAYZ45GM457825 DAYZ/REF4121100 DAYZ/S.C.F.NO/57845216/GWK
De Goldstar Egame: AIF61693008-09 40338522CH
De Loterie Romande: LR/19-CH/4310 LR/05/0018 6-13-18-24-33-39
De Lotto BV: 74UK/957/-00885DT DT957/74UK DT-A2-004-875 915
De Lotto Netherlands International: PC 123IJ 019 375 539-NL/2006 PCP 123 097
De Lotto NL International: LIP/DH 00014578 DH/77777/LKP 00024537 /N 20201 3652871
De LuckyStar E-Games: 35149/337-5247/LNI NL132478
De Nederland Lotto: NIL- AIE/11217/2532 EON/9817-08 25081203 641-9830170/OPj
Destiny Lottery: DLINT/3712/4804/06 B2/S40-19 15-13-22 12-41-73-60 -46
Director International: EH 9590 OG 0612 563881545-NL/2006 PP 3502 /8707-01
Diversity 2006 Green Card Visa Lottery: D-GRN777#4200DV# SNVPh700IU# .
DSB Online: DX /3974006/06 KLM/57703/BLM NL384/541/492DP 7-1-7-12 -3-23-05 PI/559606/XNL
Dutch Union Lottery: ES/DZYIL30/LU06 05/AMST005162/SK SNL41485/06
Earthling Lottery: ELPB/1190462 EL/218883216
Easidial Lottery: ED/22207886091/02 777/1608/RDL
East-West Australia Lotteries: 370011672387-290-02 12093782/42 894-4563-001-764-64-2911
Easydraw Loteria Espanol: SUTO/980/TWM/EU WRNM/SMI/5990 10-23-44-72-80 MUOTI/82536
Easydraw Lotto: 27940128127 222191015/HL 45892098675 252100987/NL
53435672122 2177488/NL 53435672222 32177445/NL
Easygame Lottery: 21/276/591-04 11119-80141811-NL 251-9145672191 NN122/15 11-26-06-14-31-04
ECO Lottery: 074/05/ZY369 UK/9420X2/68 12099 KTU/9023118308/03 56475600545188 5368/05 KTU/9023118308/03
E.I Lottery Online: FLO-09314368
El Combo Lotteria: EGS/255/256003/06 83160-0 6,10,21,23,34,37 14/0017/IPD 325-0332-8503
El Combo Lottery: 04195806 066-049-204-87563 2-0-9-0-7-6+01 044-13823705-064
El Gordo De La Primitiva: EGL/417331247/03 72/50685/MMH 0016-359142-07
Elgordo Lottery: ES/WIN/008/05/SPA EU/2907/908/06 SPA/7007/77 1-18-40-40-77 MAD /20622
ElGordo Lotto/Spanish Sweepstake Lottery: EGS/ 22504002/03 15/0018/IPD EGS/3662367114/13 085-12876077-09 EGGS-545-638-987 33/2727/IPDE
Electronic: 236/552/483/01717 235/686/ 211 / 006 ESLI/7/109/556/408 50/CL/452 302/298/333/541
E-Lottery Syndicate: ELP/34-AC952006 49405600545177 KTU/8023118308/03
El Primitiva Loterias: BN801/533-19SP7/01 DF107-501-PY627 5527/B34 705-21-785-040-BN-7 PLU/702079350/605
E-Mail Electonic Online Sweepstakes: 11-0-17-31-60- 75-9 STNL H001490/NL BN2005-001-MLI 1505/004NL
E-Mail Lottery Award: GPINT/7980/4376/06 33/904/G3K 675432890044/376
Ef/04679/SA 8-16-19-43-45-1-4 754/22/76
E-Mail Lottery Ballot International: PTP/421009//7765 PTP/07855//7765 20/37/49/70/
E-Mails Lottery Raffle Draw: 857-58-34-001-6358 548500023 2006/2589-630/14501
Email Raffle Draw: 148690309P 3485210739 6397867715
Enal On-Line: Enal/04210X2/65 09823/060/HKDK8989 604 000-7787-548 90878/06 EUT/9234-43308/06
End of Year International Lottery: 06/EXD646509/ED CO/7555/44/06.DNL D45370/245/06 010232006/NL 67834/06NL ELP/5333/025648/06
Equity Trust Lottery: NL/9920X2/88 444/061/ZY345 44345612545 007 CCD/9023118308/07
EPPW Lotto: Q2X/341/283/2006 07943582-2290 1448232 22-1-26-17 3008609SW06
Esperanza Lottery: NIL/35-W609674356 32/7024/0 TCL87/06/039/35ES 564 75600545 188
EU Gaming Incorporation Award: FLO-56458867
EU Lottery Online: FLO-06315369 EL/00/6799/20
EU Lotto Award: 44/42/09- ANL/06 06/EXD646509/WN AD/GU888/68/06.NH
Euro-Afro-American Sweepstake Lottery: EASEL/941FYI/03 EAAL/851OYHI/04 680 NCA 85914 75604545 188 75604545 100 59/84/26/17/35 1/14/24/30/35/45
Euro-Afro-Asian Sweepstake: ALI/309V/06 09/W678/06 ES009345W 56714527/06 KPC/9118308/06 7888/06/ES EAASL/9410Yl/03 03/o6/MA34 KPC/9080118308/03
EuroCentral Awards International: 106285612 EA/BL 5884 774747 9
Euro Credit Security and Finance: LP/67/80/IPD EGGS-541-623-782 653 908 321 675
Euro Grand Stake Promo: NSA52/X001#05/A1 813/Q05-218 5-6-26-33-36-37 53240
Euro International Lottery: 214-07-86 004091/2006 3/990/776
Euro Lottery International: ESW/WIN/808/45/01/EA EULO/6980/251/444/06
Euro Megamillions: 7FM8-GE83 29B-739Z ERM/820G/06S9R 06/HL4G/UK
Euro Million E-mail Lottery Intl: BHS/96805 409978GP008795727498 BHS/908064830206 1028404748
EuroMillion International (Rubio): 112/331/3325 503264-AK446 1-09-2006
Euro Million Loteria: EULO/2907/444/908/06 ESM/WIN/008/05/10/MA 3-18-40-40-76
Euro Million Loterij: NL/9420X2/68 074/05/ZY369 KTU/9023118308/03
Euro Million Loteria Espanol: ES/607/05/66/MAD GHT/8807/222/05 ES/007/05/12/MAD GHT/2907/333/05 ES/607/05/66/MAD
Euro Million Lottery International: 67/55/IBL EGGS-541-444-081 712-430-11-18 IV 241872 701-9211-511
Euro Million Lottery International (Croll): EGGS-652-067-222 77/13/KTT 331-554-075-495 EGS/774/161/888
Euro Million Lottery International (Kobe): EMLS-433-908-622 71/95/ZPMD
Euro Million Lottery Int Holland: LP/26510460037/03 24/00319/IPE 004-5117963-198
Euro Million Lottery Program (Hernandez): EML/ES/8888986523/06 ES/ 34/044/EML 6604-005
EuroMillionaire: 2561000 69575 38393/06 036 - 22564992 - 730
EuroMillion Award: EMLA/61-ILGI0509/45 EMLA/15/096/WRCS 213440056545 168 KPC/9087533308/03
Euro Milliones: 015-C4RTSD152 EU/2907/444/908/06 MAD/91-42151622 83200-0 01-6928 6-15-16-40-43 + 1-2 175-02906041-216
Euro Milliones Spanish Lottery: 67/80/IPD EGGS-541-623-782
Euro Millions Award: XM/01960/FJ EM/04678/AA 8-16-19-43-45-1-4 754/22/76
Euro Millions London: UK/4920X2/68 084/05/ZY360 56475600545 189 5368/05 KTU/9023118308/03
Euro Millions Lottery: 05-32-44-45-50 (01-07) 106285612 106000007 EURML/287513598/NL 19/76/06EUR Eu952-2UL 6-21-7-3-81-29 DPA910-77NL EUR/688-DPL EURML/717-dpa/3598/EU
Euro Millions Lottery International: EML/ES/IPP/1555002244/05 ES34/044/ILP /SL 874442232888-699 EML/ES/IPPD/989/768788/06
Euro Millions Lottery International (Jose): 90/30/KPD EGGS-545-626-787 653-908-321-675 345-790-241-671 34-32-90-43-32
Euro Millions Lottery Stake International Numbers: EML/ES/IPPD/980/558777/06 ES34/55432/ILPD /SL 774112232450-699
Euro Millions Spanish Lottery International (Sanchez): 67/80/IPD EGGS-541-623-782 653-908-321-675 345-790-241-671 34-32-90-43-32
Euro Millions Spanish Lottery International: 629/330/EPL APD/243/852/186 229-188-611-982 112-522-337-620 22-35-40-61-92
Euro Millions Spanish Lottery International (S Jose): 70/90/APP SSC-441-626-787 653-908-321-675 345-790-241-671
Euro Millions Sweepstake: 106000007 05-32-44-45-50 (01-07)
Euro Millones: 01-6928 175-02906041-216 SUTO/980/TWM/EU WRNM/SMI/5990 MUOTI/82536 PTK/9901323 EPÑ-L/6947832 845300249 869228938389199 S/N-000033993 979107446827R9
Euro Security: ZTU/43167/65/98/97 15/051/IP/ES 491465836-629 3770-98 7-15-12-88-31-44
Euro Starluck: ER/763/D/11 33-H/322/019
European Champions League: none
European Lottery International: 346/7BB8/96ZZ 0084117776 912-500-21-17 241582 XBX38844240 00043261
European Prize Award Dept: ULI/APRXX/05 UK/9420X/68 07405/ZY369 GB8701/LPRC ILP/HW 47509/02 5647560054
European Software Manufacturers: MMCAN/652311872/06 074/06/369MM
European Software National Lottery: 8567721/591/AB 025-1146-1387 213-05 PS/255/06
European UKSA/World Soccer Cup Bid: FER/4690/6103/24 FER/8309/1209/26 245-379-482 12324277 6663817262 2-9-22-23-24-30
European Union International Lottery: KTU/9023118308/03 1080.01 1007685437
Europeansloto Stake Inc.: 34090322816 43568000/12 AFA/7854545411/NT
Europe El Gordo: ESW/25041238013/03 023-0148-790-459 43-1 1-44-37-10-43
Europe Million Int Lottery Award: LP/26510460037/03 24/00319/IPE LP/26510460037/03 004-5117963-198
Europe Million Lottery: 834509819 237359446
Europe National Lottery: 222509212 237359222
Europe Software: EURO/37021/LOTTO/400223157/333/5L/SPN
EuroPW List: (none)
EuroPW Lotto Plus: S2U/102/633/0049 027/310-SU18 1942896-9032 T9Q/102/131/0035 097/310-XL11 1942896-9032 H001490
Euros Millions Lottery International: SDE/4481/0006-01 PDP/0472/030 4781415366-759
Excite: 12, 28, 22, 23, 45, 49, (08) 44-8201-093 IL6341-F OCT-14VE
Execs Ventures: EV6162688-29 627462128TW
Expert Lotto: SPX/8904/514863/XN EX/5304/371/1161/WD XCW/110/672511/XP SV/4250/002/6806/XD XEX/7I60/124743/XV WEC/6121/211/7512/SD LPESA/1542/MV06 YXP/3513/M06P EGM513/11/003P
Expert Sweepstake Programme: /PQST/RRG/YUI/ES ES/3FFM/YTE/BBC5 9985798-11478 77482 09,07,44,33,08,
Favour Lottery: 21-134411314 11-10-20-13 6709/NL
FENOSA Award: 7-87- 34-1514-13 788384534-3333 JVHN/78/435/VHIT TSR5678- BGR1034/06 ES- 441-3333-16 ES- 689415341P
Fiduciarybvsiste Lottery: M-Spa-00-4166 695-552-33-Bc68 27522-6453
FIFA: PDUP/67 AO916520567 37-13-34-85-56-87
Flash Fortune Lottery: FLS-ZR39-825P-4 74-263-BBN 100-309-7482 FLS433/453L/GMSA GML-S343-KKT-8811 56T-DTH78-SAR99
Free Loteria Nacional La Primitiva: ES6075b0119 ND/19734231 Z-90237-Y67/U4
Free Lotery: EUM WU-58KTL LN/BB090426 EUM WU-9KTL 14 21 27 30 36 VAP-6425
Free Lotto Award: AD/GU22/66/06.NH 19/018/IHV /NL 6554209-ANL/06
Free Lotto Casino Award: 82/42/AES/06 06/CL646509/WD CO/478/34/06.ESP
Free Lotto Company: FR/NL-01055/06 QXZ/2006/TT 564 756001188
FreeLotto International: 00903228100 778009/NL SKL/11-TPT/77314643
Free Lotto Online Promo: F2-003-036 FR/45-300-06 54-20-17-52-34-30 TFR/9900034943/JPT
Free Lotto Stake: 34090322816 43568000/12 AFA/7854545411/NT
FreeLotto Sweepstake: FLUS/2031/8161/05 R3/A312-59 56475600545 188 KTU/9023118308/03
Free National: 08-11-20-28-32-35 901-0148-790-691 13/FFP/LDL/037 MELI-T/17-F044262312
G8 E-mail: XG8/EU/0177/82798/005 EXG8/EU/12380/70924/005 7804468845 0252393053
Gaming Association: GP 14-M-246-04 573881545-NL/2005 PP 3502 /8707-01
GBF International: 37-13-43-85-67-11 FL754/22/76 FL09622SA FL/04/736207152/SA
Gee Pee Software: 0087411652337 085093785/06
Gee Software Inc.: 0087411652337 085093785/06 007-49746-041-764-64-2091
German International Lottery: PC 3690/ES 414 081545-LNG/2005 PCP 3502 0707 1132
German Net National Lottery: EAASL/9410Y1/02 561701-PCD03 KTU/9023118308/07 37-13-34-85-56-42 5388/02
German/UK: KTU/902311832012/06 561701-PCD03
Germany World Cup: BIN/231-ILGI0431/05 NKEV/15/096/TVFS 20511465463-7644 472-9768-98 8-66-97-22-65-99
Giani Lottery: GBP/99555/2006 00/09FG2/SER 1145-20754-084
Gings Lottery: HGL-5-9827-NL KLH-OPI-DNL MYT,YTR, 29,RGN 36, IU, 42 SFH-WF74-5G2 OX2T-3T2T-D2N
Global Microsoft: 633/98/401 213-127-798-GSLI102 008-115-627-609
Globa Agency: EL/653164251591/6011 151085135
Global E-Lottery: MELI-T/18-D045262413 001-1147-730-655 31/ffp/ldl/018
Global Finance Home: 4559/377-5247/LNI 36371588-LNI/2006 7746019 821009-141
Global Internet Lottery: BSLT940740-244-144 886-554 440-960-76 BST940UID FD2349UID
Global Lottery Int: LMSP/82255742/33 LMSP/7393794/33
Global Millions: 67/80/IPD EGGS-541-623-782 653-908-321-675 345-790-241-671 34-32-90-43-32
Global Megalottery: FLS-ZR39-825P-4 74-263-BBN 100-309-7482 513-10 02,09,22,23,24,30,+5
Global Random: 005/01489 0000876 65-87-01-12
Global-SEC: MXL/5464K2/71 010/06/DR432 MXL:8390280 MXL:3422/00 12-19-22-30-39-40-reserve-getal-13
Global Software: 17940128114 17940128111 1581015/HL 17940123155
Global Sweepstakes Mega Loteria: 4549/337-5247/LNI 26371545-LNI/2005 7746017 821009-121 5567/113-0078/GNL 1881645-GNL/2006 9007-1809 22100-15-007 8867/113-0078/GNL 1645-GNL/2006 0607-1809 100-15-007
Glober: 213-127-798-GSLI102 633/98/401 213-007-17-06 008-115-627-609 323-509-992GLH
Goldman International: EMLOT: 6-10-13-17-24-45
Goldstar International: 333/000/6118 WW2202222-SS77
Goldwall: UKE/66558944/2007 77/058400/UK/UKE 909-31-345-7823 4-01-09-80-32-45-20
Google Ballot Lottery: GPINT/7980/4376/06 33/904/G3K 675432890044/376
Google Email Lottery: LSLUK/2031/8161/04 14/011/IPD 50941465206-529 675432890044/376 AMC/2331-ILHWGI0431/06 EOST/25/0496/TVUFS
Google Int.: GPINT/7980/4376/06 33/904/G3K 675432890044/376 2200-33 1-0-11-44-03-22
Google Lotto: AMC/231-ILGI0431/06 EOS/15/096/TVFS 675432890044/376
Government Accredited Licensed Promoters: EL3/9318/04 8/163/EL 653164251591-6011 7321410 151085135 6376527711 4-9-17-36-44-78
Government Lottery: ZAR/NPO78/ZA2006 2234/22322/B2-18 342 67 33 38 7 43 64 8625/07
Graceland Lottery: ZAR/39224059/2006 25/435070/CK/SAP
Gran Canaria: OZP/7367/67/92/90 12/901/IPD/ES 241918906-07 54568 16,11,52,33,44,42
Grand Lottery: FT/22/43/88 24/889/KJY88577 9043-54 1-4-10-19-34-49
Grand Prime: YL /26510460038/06 24/00319/006/IPD 023-1111-790-459
Grand Prize: 638901527-AMB/02 278511465896-6452 3772-554 3-14-18-23-31-45
Grazia Millea: 925/MSB/011-04/06
Greater Days: GDL6/8219/06 9/274/GDL 6-5642753827734022 4544811
Grouplotto: TL/0534/30/06 TL754/22/76 75/011/INL 2-34-90-57-1101 TL 22/15409
Group Lotto: 005/01489 0000876 65-87-01-12
Guiness: RR38844240 00147
Handbells Lottery: UK/5141-I/12 Q45/05/2006HBL 56475600545 005 5368/13 HBL/0192635373/LN 2006WCLG-06
Heineken: 2752246896 652-662 AT-040SB06-03 2752246896
Heman Lotto International: XXZP/2001183308/03 18/203/ZZV 756-005-457/GK
Heritage Lottery Funds: 990-11-815-37-10-83 901-0148-790-691 13/FFP/LDL/037 MELI-T/17-F044262312
Heritage Lottery International: HLP/200-26937564-75600545-188 2005MJL-01 5388/02 C/9080118308/06
Hi Winniere: OZM/7367/67/92/97 12/951/IPD/ES
Holla Award: 82/42/AES/06 06/CL646509/WD CO/478/34/06.ESP
Holland Casino Lottery: HCNL/009842/06 HCNL/1282884/06 HCNL-033 6123 234 Hcnl/F/75543340/06
Holland Casino Promo Int.: BC/881245/EKP NG-1467-3409/JYN 88883499 472-9768 W-91237-H°67/B4
Holland Free Lotto Casino Award: WL/109 925-43-06 567501-DTL/18 AT/WL62/08/06.SN 20/LLD64869/WC
Honda Motors: 3752246899-XX337 652-6655/HKQ237 AT-040SB06-06/07
Houkes: ANL/DGS/06315369 0009/WEU-7552
HSN International Lottery: 719/9971/hsn hsn/822/29/55 447-211-91 889-316-hsn
Iberia Promotional Award: SMA/ 42/93/80/22/91/56 45/002/E-HD 09/15/2005 343-9164-366-887 34/15/65 8-02-15-52-33-77
Icon Promotion UK: none
Idaho Lottery: ID/7704/07/050 3985459LP DF44970DE 0769675 067-546-819-006
Infinity Lottery: WRH/12726/PZP 29/064701/904HM 085---2356789--789 8567--46
Inland Lotto: JET/CA/7834/AM PBL2348974321
Inorbit: AIF61693008-09 40338522CH NL100655905 ILPB642857301 483752202CH
InterGlobe Lottery: DFN/012-456-321 WIN/457-455-566 0007 389
Inter Lotto Online: Ticket no: 27508036088-047 BB-040-SB 798-6013
Intercasino: 67/80/IPD EGGS-541-623-782 653-908-321-675 345- 790-241-671
Intercontinental: ILS/8033113427/04 44/4107F82/12
International Asia Promotion: EL0/574/070 4/313/EL. EL-40212 EL- 241072 EL-75 EL-413 9-7-0-30-11
International Electronic Loterij: LE/772869/4311 LE/4488/07
International Loterias Primitiva: BN801/552-09SP7/005 DF701-501-PY727 903-21-785-040-BN-7 4410-5402-57033 5527/B34 PLU/702079350/605
International Lottery Promotion: LPD/163/86L6/SPNL SPLI/893BSP/7349/89 095-12000077-11 04-08-13-22-36-44 XSP/47833/PC
International Lottery Promotions: 31008478-2514785 114522069 996632145
International Lotto Program: LSLUK/2031/8161/04 14/011/IPD 205897-6287 472-971103 897 22-46-88
International Online Promotions: 652-66283 AT-040SB06-03 IPL/4249859609/WP1
International Pokers: SAFA 2010/AFRICA 2007 154-02I-CAF 34-15-23-11-33-54 200X-19Z4-DMX YY77-XOO
International Pools Lottery: 6325698-44596-222 410-32659 4014-236985744-596
International Power Ball: T/M/JHN-6106-3EC/M/A/I/L
International Promotions Prize Award: LPD/723/86L9/SPNL SPLI/7723BSP/7349/89 085-42620277-14 XSP/941/PC
International Promotions Prize Award (Nowak): SW/90/0021/7896/56 34/0065/KJY 46939 472-9768 W-91237-H°67/B4
International Prize Award: PW 9590 ES 573881545-NL/2006 PP 3502 /8707-01 GP 14-M-246-04 P. U -7MN-, 246.79 -NL/2006 9414 EH 9590 OG 0612 PA 3502 /8707-01 ANA 6611 SX10001 77586858577/5NL/2006555673577 /870701
Internet Exploration BV: ALC1679087678/2006/TH VCF:578999008777AAF CA235676778 AU256778899SH2006 2356677798MKÑ
Internet Sweepstakes Lottery Numbers: CA235676778 S.F.C.N: ALC1679087678/2006/TH Batch Number VCF:578999008777AAF
Ireland Online: (none)
Irish Independent Heritage Trust Funds: 621290042CM
Irish Lottery: LSUK/2031/8161/05 LSUK/2031/8161/06 R3/A312-59 Z720633X 56475600545 188 UK/9420X2/68 074/05/ZY369 KTU/9023118308/05
Irish Lottery Online Sweepstakes: UK/9420X2/68 074/05/ZY369 1004 56475600545 188 5368/02
Irish Online Company: 7PWYZ2006 BT:12052006/20
Italian Farmers: 65409/11/05/SLT SLT/54390812/121/3421 219028 200432 05-31-75-64-25-74
Jackpot Lottery UK: ITTL/34236HPG/GRCC ATP/44863214257/3445328/511 08-04-33-38-BL-AU 08 15 30 31 34 43 40
Jackpot Promotional: ITTL/34173HPG/GRCC 08 15 30 31 34 43 40 ATP/44863214257/3445328/511 08-04-33-38-BL-AU
Japan Email Lottery: JP/7146x4/99 042/02/xa192 45375600545 188 5368/02
Japan Email Lotto: GML-S343-KKT-8811 56T-DTH78-SAR99 343-221-8756 454-17
Japan Lottery System Inc.: 9 0 9 16 28 28 07 19
Jurist Lotto: 023-0148-790-459 8973-20 09-44-44-67-27-11
Kia Motors: 6543Y54 885-737 KIA-789485W KIA/4249859609/UK1
Kraslot Lottery: S23/15/40/12/29/ 54/010/0-PD
Krasloten: ILPB642857301 EULO/2907/444/908/06
Krasloten Lotto: HL/5564/40/07 11/834/5PDH /EU NL 56/7765 NL553/26/96 11/834/5PDH /EU
Kresoft International: 223155-06
Kresoft Lottery Intl: SHLNL432/885/RRS GKN8901137-ADB7 7775114-6410 223155-06.
La Mundo Lottery: 01-0792 244-09277128-094 1-13-4-14-43-50 +03-02
La Primativa Lottery: 24/090132/QIBMW 12324277 11 23 29 36 43 48 -C 8 R VBP/30124785KL/0POR 1- 2 - 34-01-96-0KL
La Primitiva Sweepstake: EGS/2551256003/06 14/0017/IPD 2113-05 4-18-24-30-31-35 025-11464992-750025-11464992-750
LDIL: 200-4774- 764
Lexus: 2753346878 952-442 AT-050Sb09-09 W-91237-H°67/B4
Liverpool Football Club: none
Loctronics Lotto: 32/756/4509 5389-01-527-Bc68 49-58-652-5-87-41 5999-224 9-35-11-55-51-66
London Lottery: 4758961725 ALLINC 70564943902/188 FGNGB2701/LPRC ILP/HW 47509/02 47061725 07056490902 7741137002
London Million Int Lottery: LP/26510460037/03 24/00319/IPE
Lotaria Popular International: 94PT/957/-00885PT PT957/74PT PT-A2-004-875 205
Loteria De La Primitiva: ESP/EUR00020/05CV ESP/EUR1410/05SP ES/EUR1410/05SP ESP/0002005CV 14-21-22-26-39-44
Loteria del Mundo: WE/0007249051/04R 17/7024/IPD EUS/1550 0016-359142-07
Loteria Primitiva: 32/001/3005 50003264-AK466 014032581085 43450845/sl
Loteria Primitiva Sweepstakes (Cole): LP/26510460037/02 24/00319/IPD 004-05117963-198 01-15-37-38-48-49 LP/2656043/ES/104
Loteria Primitiva International (Helena): SM/2470/28/26 HM/05/41824530/ES ZAD82649PK
Loteria Primitiva (Vincente): ILPB642857502 483752409CH
Loterias Y Apuestas Del Estado: EGL/417331247/03 72/50685/MMH
Loterie Nationale: LN-DN0TR764 LN-TW09XV51 LN-883M09 554-20-501 LN/ERS
Lotter Lottery: 205-11465886-629 NLD/2300786008/06 10/044/SLN
Lotteria Estrella: LES/2907/56/M WLO/3390/IA/ES LEGT/5121/760 03-15-21.43-44 LEWE/63219
Lotteria Once: ONLES/2007/88/M ONLES/2006/88/M WLO/7610/IA/ES ONGT/3020/916 01-12-27.42-49 ONWE/84691
Lotteria Shop Nacional: OZM/7367/67/92/97 12/951/IPD/ES 241918906-076 54568
SUTO/980/TWM/EU WRNM/SMI/5990 10-23-44-72-80 MUOTI/82536 82/42/AES/06
Lottery Foundation International: FLI-OP/2811 HPWN/82/00 40511056441-45757
Lottery Games International: MO1-VC9-65LU TYP-LDD DSE-MJK-29R QUI-UU4-5L BXQ6-Y22UY-POQ
Lottery International: GP 14-M-246-04 573881545-NL/2005 PP 3502 /8707-01
Lottery National of Burkina: 2596841-018965 2229658104 965874324
Lottery Primitiva: LP78120943/08ES LPES8702 08-19-29-32-47 22871/03 01-09-25-28-43-49
Lottery Stakes International: OSL/653/1029/03 AT-040-SB06-03 27522465896-532 652-662 7-14-18-23-31-45
Lottery Winners International: NLT/245512568021/05 56475600545 188 333/000/6118 WW2202222-SS77
Lotto 24: Lotto24-LD401/06 Lotto24-LD836/06
Lotto24 Mega Lottery: 23-76-06-54-42-100 647489 23-76-06-54-42-100 MSW/56B-672GH/L
Lotto International Netherlands: PC 607 ES 208 26371545-LNI/2006 PCP 002 871
Lotto International NL: EL3/9318/04 8/163/EL EL-23133 EL-123542 EL-35 EL-9318 7-1-8-36-4-22
Lotto International Prize Draw: 333/000/6118 WW2202222-SS77 566677700022
Lotto La Primitiva: 57/41/12 22/5-5-61.S.L 76210 4416273 00510423
LottoLore: CAN/84571LLX2/257 LL/06/YXLL120 589642-5682 5823/06
Lotto NL: NM/BC921245/KY14 NM/207161/WOP 46939 472-9768 W-91237-H?67/B4 0175655522 31765549 SAA/0123/WE/5YT 46939894427 235216572
Lotto NL (Brooke): 00903228100 778009/UK
Lotto NL Mega Jackpot: MSW/56B-672GH/L 4583JL/WIN 23-76-06-54-42-100 428/77/UML 46/304/GMA
Lotto NL Promo Int: ICB/231-ILGI0431/06 EOS/15/096/TVFS 20511465463-7655 472-9768- 79 8-66-97-22-65-55
EQA/231-ILGI0431/06 UOS/15/096/TVFS 20511465463-7655 472-9768-79 8-66-97-22-65-5
Lotto Pacific: EFS/32554102/07 25/1018/CPD 046-62856044-04 51840-7 00-15-12-14-48-32
Lottonet Casino Sweepstakes Lottery: LLI/VPX/5213/1176 1047/92710/CP/ABY 4208-2113-59-12 VB-246811
Lottonet International: TBI/R12/9421/2671 33215/41992/AB/ITTS 912-400-11-17 IS 261572
Lotto-Net International Sweepstake Lottery: EGS/282296/02 14/0 025-11464977-766 2138-06
Lotto Rheinland-Pfalz: LRP/19-DE/9317 LRP/06/41 76-2006
Luckyday Lotto: ARE:27522465896-6453 538901527-BC68 LDL2348974321 LDL/CN/6654/CP
Luckyday Email Lottery: PTP/31211214257/190888/2202 PTP/21449267220/255100//2202 219028657434 918735625
Luckyday Lottery: AFA/7854545411/NT 34090322816 43568000/12
Luckyday Lotto: FL23112 FL/04/5237900/NL 37-13-43-85-67-11 FL754/22/76
Luckyday/Select: NLD/2300786008/06 10/044/SLN 205-11465886-629 3772-99 7-14-17-23-31-44
Luckysday: lksday/xx2/vl.4/06 1801899-758 6129094
Luckystar E-Games: NL132478 35149/337-5247/LNI
Luckystrike Lotto: 35149/337-5247/LNI 26371545-LNI/2004 54866235
Mac Software: XXZP/2001183308/03 18/203/ZZV W 756-005-457/GK 09384743 9-34-85-56-42-74 Tef/0023171521/02
Madrid Free Lotto Casino Award: CL/99/06 CO/578/34/06 44-694-88-ES 20/35/49/70/90
Magnesium Lottery: 2752246896 AT-040SB03-06 31-6-26-13-35-7 SNL/4249859609/WP1
Magodo: MAGODO/MD-000234/34/MGD-06 MAGODO/234167 MGD/05-10
Manchester United:MUL/5464K2/71 012/06/DR432 MUL:8390281 MUL:3422/06
Master Mega-Million Lottery: 100860 8556 2548 9576ZA
Mastercard: NM/207161/WOP NM/BC921245/KY14 46939890760 472-9768 W-91237-H 67/B4
Maxwell Stake: 34090322816 43568000/12 AFA/7854545411/NT
Mega Aim Promotion: MAJ 002 871 MA 390 ES 214
Mega Jack Pot: HM/05/41824530/ES SM/2470/28/26 ZAD82649PK
Mega Jackpot Lotto: WD18 9RN REF NO: EML/ 56-TF-8890776 109/91300/EML 9901-0148-790-691 66109-17 990-11-815-37-10-83
Mega Lottery International: EG/2551256945/08 0007570913 20511465897-9056 472-9716543 8-66-97-22-96-07
Megamillions: OL8-NL1-77GF FOPI-DNL VNK-GDT 29,RGN 36 MZL-WF74-5G8 DS2T-3T2T-D8P
Megastar: 65409/11/05/SLT SLT/54390812/121/3421 219028 200432 05-31-75-64-25-74
Mercados: 066-03407766-137 83810-0 066-03407766-137
Mercedes-Benz: 00GC10/06
Micro Award: MSW-L/200-26937 2005SEPTL#22
Micro Dayzers International: DYK/82283922/769 11/621/2PDH /NL TL 22/15409 TL754/22/76 TL09622NL TL/0534/30/05
Micro Dayzers Promo:: BIC/881245/EKP XA-1467-3409/PZM 46939 472- 9768 W-91237-H°67/B4
Microelectro: FT/22/43/88 24/889/KJY 88577 9043-54
Micro Lottery International: PP2005-001-MLI 1505/004NL 10CBG3471913 19034
Microlotto: 1174014 NL-030PB44-11 PBL/247751407/BV
Microsoft Award Team: BTD/968/05 409978E 008795727498 BTD/9080648302/06
Microsoft Corporation: MSW-L/200-26937 2005SEPTL#22 MSW-L/200-26937 S/N-00168 MSW/FEB/XX06
Microsoft Email Award: 132/756/40027 538901527-BC722 37511465899-6410 4872-510
Microsoft Email Lottery Award: MSW/56B-672GH/L 4583JL/WIN 23-76-06-54-42-100 647489
Microsoft Email Promotion International: MUNOD/5020/9922/06 18/044/PNL 33738862961-555 LSLUK/2031/8161/04 14/011/IPD QZ-316-NL
Microsoft Euro Millones: WNTO/7416/VA/ES, TWMT/1800/806, 07-13-31.54-64, EMLES/2006/M, CNMMM/67000/MMC
Microsoft Global: 132/756/40027 538901527-BC722 37511465899-6410 4872-510 7-14-88-23-3545 HL/5564/40/07/MICS MC11/834/5PDH /EU NL 56/7765 NL553/26/96
Microsoft Interglobe: CIL/231-FMI0431/09 IPD/15/096/PTNL 7511465896-6410 3772-510 11-13-26-34-44-48
Microsoft Internet Exploration Lottery: FA67890278970 FG908753546767GH2006 VNF18907654325AAF 146780836633jhgo2006 6857-2356-1002-5784- 9856 BLT239740988/2006/YH
Microsoft Internet Promotion Lottery: TOE/4524578454/UE TOE/REF57845245222 TOE45121111454215 TOE4245454145HG555
Microsoft Internet Sweepstakes: BLT239740988/2006/YH VNF1768367474AAF 0031-630-329-711 HJ128674788 MKJ2348909NB2006 783454UH 234-890-323-897
Microsoft Lottery International: MIC/26005006/SP/05 20044818-06 042091890 6132306 01148814577 MIC25993189SP06 1007581900
Microsoft Lucky Day Lottery: MSW/56B-672GH/L 4583JL/WIN RT/3451-6004YGF 647489
Microsoft MegaJackpot: MSW/56B-672GH/L 4583JL/WIN 23-76-06-54-42-100
M154S/WL06 9465206
Microsoft Outlook Award: 4434/2113-78 83429/2 83429/2 2/WMO555/1 6915/1024370 80309/13
Microsoft Staatsloterij: MSTL/CN/2628/YT 26/386/UTR 25742-86 MSTL-146478972197 MSW/56B672GH/L MSW/56B-672GH/L 4583JL/WIN
Microsoft Windows Lottery: YM 09102XN YM35447XN YM09788
Microsoft Word Lottery: MSW-L/200-26937 2005MJL-01 20-12DEC-2005-02MSW S/N-00168 887-13-865-37-10-83
Microstaats: 132/756/40027 538901527-BC722 37511465899-6410 4872-510 7-14-88-23-3545
Millenium: ES6075b0119 ND/19734231 11,17,31,35,36,50
Millennium Scientific Computer Game: WNTO/7416/VA/ES TWMT/1800/806 07-13-31.54-640 MUOTI/82536
ESLES/2006/M Batch WLO/2110/IA/ES TWMT/3910/806 02-15-21.44-51 ESTI/91503 EMLES/2006/M
Millions Lottery: 14-18-34-45-67 (76-32)
MoneyBalls: PC/9030108308/05 15/76/EF36 SALP97585 B665 75608567
MS Word Lotto Lottery: UK/9420X2/688 074/05/ZY369 KTU / 9023118308/03 MSW-L/200-26937
MSN Lottery: MSN/6012505022/3 2 29/3117/1MA 56475600545-188 5388/02
Mtn-Mega-Million Lottery: 47061725 07056490902 7741137002 ILP/HW 47509/02 475061725 7056490902/188 5-13-33-37-42
Multi-Serve Lottery: MUSLI/CYB2005-1FAF 5483/M43/NL 31-625521DG
National Euro Millions Lottery: LPD/163/86L6/SPNL SPLI/893BSP/7349/89 SPLI/893BSP/7349/06
National Gold Lotto: AD/340/103 22/AMST005164/NA SNL41484/06 85210 8286529
National Liverwood: LIUK/5020/0261/20 219-8IO-97/A 12/619466 01-A442 A1-412 24618
National Lotery: 0011770011 NL/23/00/99 NL011922
National Lottery: NLS/2251256003/02 14/0017/NLS EGS/2251256003/02 14/0017/1PD
National Lottery (Bryan): UK/9420X2/68 074/05/ZY369 56475600545 188 KTU/9023118308/03
National Lottery (Van Der): BN/14/66/06 228832070 00981/06
National Lottery Board: NL/839030X2/14 065/088/XY24 023-1111-790-458
National Moneyballs Lottery: 26510460037/06 24/00319/IPD 6475600545 188 5368/02
Nationale Postcode Loterij: TL754/22/76 DYK/82283922/769 11/621/2PDH /NL
Ned Lotto: ELI/096/05 17/589/NLD 5-51-070809-434 EG05C03
Nederland Dayzers: DZNL 492 - 714 - 027 / 2006 09, 22, 36, 61, 63, 79, 84 NUWL / DZNL / 48326MST DTOW 1396 62U7A
Nederlands Lottery: IPL/4249859609/WP1 ATE040SB06-03 PSL453375683 DSIT652-66283
Net Drive: ND 246 IBV 801 37261545-LNI/2006 ND 004 8711
Net Lottery: EAASL/9410Y1/02 561701-PCD03 5388/02
Net Lotto: ND 246 IBV 801 37261545-LNI/2006 ND 004 8711
Net Point: CCC/014-667/05 BBA/33/918/PTNL 10902219877- 4213 370-611403 CGA/714-217/06 BBA/375/658/PTNL 10902219877-9877
Netherland Game Board: 245139 423-64433 W-620177-H° 83/J4
Netherland Gaming Board: JK/1324/06 03/5769/ZL 6951--400674432--213 2095--05 44-5787-567
Netherland Toto Tip Lottery: CBASL/251OYI/05 16/25/0025 56475600545 188 XYL /26510460037/05
Netherlands Lottery International: PC 607 ES 26371545-LNI/2006 PCP 002 871
Netherlands Prime Lottery: 5368/06 074/05/ZY345 Netherland/9420X2/70 56475612545
Netherlands Staatsloterij: 007/48SL/847/970 BSO61/94756/001 003/67590/SL048
New Hope Lottery: 16-27-35-43-46-47-2-4 FL754/22/76 PDP98643JK FL/04/67903456/SP
NKL Electronic Mail Ballot: NKL/3460X2/88 NKL/06/BY377 456756008888 NKL/6024770000/06
NL Lotto.NL: QC 9590 ES 9414 573881545-NL/2006 PP 3502 /8707-01 05908 9-43-97
Nokia International Lottery: GWK/5333/025648/03UAD 241/2002/BLL 1001-58255563-2285 8888/03 02-22-00-66-99-85-52-12-36-50 GWK/4578/789834/746YU
Nokia West Africa: NK2861137/ST NK0016827866217 644 79543465 B44 NKP/4080318306/04
NSW Australian Lottery: 0116 1307 0199 6088 16 15 92 70
Nueva Oro: FL/668530092 45301/14/FIFA06/FL IMSA2-040 14219 LP/26510460037/02. 508-7895-4456-224
Ocean Blu: ACL/72579512/6 ACL/51976512/4 4126503176457
Oceanic Foundation: [FL2/05/207152/SK/IE] [962901-PCF03]
Ola Online Lottery: OLA-001/OMM3GT 43-DD440/05 10-09-7482
Omega Lottery: FLS-ZR39-755P-4 4- 6-263-BCN 102-319-7473
Once Loteria: PROMO/2031/8156/06 15/051/IPD/ES 2-5-0-4-9
Once Online Lottery: 25049-S38
Once Promo: LSLUK/2031/8156/06 15/051/IPD/ES 2-5-0-4-9
Once Spanish Lotto Promo: 25049-S38 D
Once Sweepstakes Lottery: EGS/2551256003/02 14/0017/IPD 02766
One Million Dollars Lottery: 20511465463-7644 FAQ/231-ILGI0431/05 472-9768-98 ABN/5333/025648/03UA.
Onlae Lottery: OLOT33123143/06 41123/ONL8671/ESB 035-101556890-860 5-12-23-34-37-46
Onlae Promotion BV: OL642857301/09ES OLAES78095
Onlaeloteria Internacional: OZA/7367/45/19/97 14/321/IPD/ES
Online Cyber Lottery: OCL 9590 OG 0612 Batch NO:563881545-SP/2006/07 PP 3502 /8707-01
Online Cyber Lotto: PW 9590 ES 9414 573881545-NL/2006 PP 3502 /8707-01
P. U -7MN- 246.79 -NL/2006 PP 3502 /8707-01
Online European: SUTO/980/TWM/EU WRNM/SMI/5990 10-23-44-72-80 MUOTI/82536
Online Games: UKLT/245512568021/05 56475600545 188 5368/02
Opec Lottery: 111 34600545 188 2338/02 23-6-00-13-35-70 opec/9231118238/07
OSA - UK National Lottery: NL-OSA/04VS/0604/UK 06/0022/N01 20-27-41- 42-29 NL-OSA/6208/041.VOL.2/UK
Overseas Stakes: OSL/653/029/03 AT-040-SB06-03 27522465896-532 652-662 7-14-18-23-31-45
Pacific Promotions: EGS/ 33504992/03 17/9918/IPD 065-12855077-09 77390-0 05-05-17-18-28-38 ZES/3662367114/18
Payday: GW/06-AT/4273 GW/06/7676 GW/06- AT/7676 25-656
Pee Software: PSFI-79134/1519/05 11306-05 PSFI-34/1519/05
Pepsi Company: HTT726W BT:5643325/30
Pepsi Lotto: PSEYP2006 BN:094872200/54
Pepsi Promotions: PSPPR2006 BN:225182006/20
Pickwinners Online: ZAR/J0021-671/SA2006 002472/B8992-60 728-10185-03124-78 288 6712/05 01-05-13-267-32-05
Pinnacle Aid: QC 9590 ES 9414 (N-222-6747,E-900-56) PP 3502 /8707-01
Planet Lottery: EG/008045160027 22/11/2006 100000488
Poker Online Promotions: ZAR/POP-677152/ZA2006 ZAR/002831323/M222-23 242 67 33 38 7 43 51 7777/06 4-43-33-38-21 POP 21
Portuges National Lottery: UR N0 52,1150-072 PG771/802-54NP8/030 PG905-881-PA111 7703-8042-66101 5527/B3
Postcode Loterij: kvk 41183598 0175655522 31765549NLP
Postcode Lottery: NL/BC336791/HY07 JM/934107/WPN W-61228-58/B7
Postcode Lotto: EWS/0H89/NBVM NM/BC921245/KY14 NM/207161/WOP W- 91237-H67/B4 NM/BC921854/KY14
Powerball Lotto BV: PBL/CN/6654/CP NL-030PB44-11 PBL/247751407/BV PBL2348974321 1174014 NL-030PB44-11 BL2348974321
Powerball Euro: PTP/31211214257/190888/2202 PTP/21449267220/255100//2202 219028657434 918735625 21-70-81-82-99 PBL/67189098011/245679/1109 PBL/11278998789/908796//1109 100190876290 801972719
Powerball Inter Lotto: NL/331/027 NL-476-809 SA/331/027 SA-476-809 4416273 00510423
Powerball Lottery E-Games: PB/EGP/60961/OV
Powerball Lottery NL: PB-NL/175648323/06 8796-0178/NL-01 65676776886787
Premetiva Loterai: MSTL/CN/982/YT 26/363/UTR 257-42-86 MSTL-146/978/322/687
Premier Lottery UK Online: PLUK/2030/0181/08 101-OIO-77/A 55/849177 01-A223 A1-101 56748
Premium Lottery Games: GWS-5-0813-NL 31-31-11-21-44-13 GWS/99001753QRT05 GWS/6879453211/NL
Prime Lottery: 5368/06 074/05/ZY345 Netherland/9420X2/70 56475612545
Proximus Diamond Lottery: 191023/ 731004 ES/721053-06 BL 06453-1154 0002005-54
PW Lottery: PW 9590 ES 9414 573881545-NL/2005 PP 3502 /8707-01
Pyramid International: PINTL4681/0912/06 BN/88/D32-71 45-90-31-67 30-44-13-08-02
Q' Software: PSFI-79134/1519/05 11306-05 PSFI-34/1519/05
Quad Cruise Lottery: QC 9590 ES 9414 573881545-NL/2005 PP 3502 /8707-01 05908 9-43-97 573881545-NL/2006
Rainbow-Net Lottery: EGS/0007459015/06 17/7024/IPD
Real Exchange Lotto: KIY/47560460037/02 24/23519/YHI KIY /47560460037/02
Reality Lottery: S/DZYIL30/LU06 05/AMST005164/SK SNL41484/06
Reality Lottery International: KLI/231-ILGI0402/06 IPE/16/006/PTNL 20511465897-6291
Realty Seguros: ES/9420X2/T008 ES/05/M009 04142331354124
Rinex Sweepstakes: RHS-41394/82/06 76612
Rise-up Foundation: 7101295643/RF
Royal Amster: ANG/257-ILBI0531/07 DENP/15/096/1 20511465463-7644 472-9768-98 8-66-97-22-65-99
Royal Crown Lottery: RC/35-W209074158 ES32/0037/05 RC87/06/030/15ES
Royal Dutch Heritage: PC 123IJ 019 375 539-NL/2006 PCP 123 097
Royal International: SGIL/312246 6709/NL RO/PR/11-C0225201 21-134551314
Royal National: RLUK/3345/7121/09 R6/A442-77 8522-5-556
Royal Pacific: EGS/ 22504002/03 15/0018/IPD 085-12876077-09 51390-0 03-06-08-10-12-16-27
Royal Spanish (Alberto) RSSL/61-ILGI0509/45 RSSL/15/096/WRCS 212005600545 188 KPC/9080333308/03
Sachsen Lotto: SL/06-GmbH/4009 SL/06- GmbH/3434 06-3434 7-17-21-26-37-42
SAFA: SAFA 2010/AFRICA 2004154-02I-CAF 000-19
Samsung Company Promotion: 7PWYZ2006 BT:12052006/20
Samsung Electronic: KIA/4316786098/05 09/2304/SAM/KIA 4316786098 -066
Sanex Lotto: NT456780909893 4-10-12-55-25-87 4978/NL IL/PLW/18-C0547671754
Santa Claus Christmas and New Year Lottery: SCCNL728912 BN:7128826622/90
Scoop Lotto: AXE/ TIV/2929/NL AMR/ 5258/06-KRS
Scottish National Lottery: K-EG/8869G1/988 EG67/298/06 97858355Z9 9241/08
Sealant: ENG/UK5500/5E UK0090/ENG UK/ENG/72-545/06
Select de Lotto: 205-11465886-629 3772-99 7-14-17-23-31-44 BGN/2300786008/06 10/044/SAN 10/044/SLN
Select Lottery: NLD/2300786008/06 10/044/SLN 205-11465886-629 3772-99
Select Lotto: NLD/2300786008/06 10/044/SLN 205-11465886-629
SEMA: 8-23 12-58-89-12 479510896-5558 JVHN/78/435/VHIT TSR2541- BGR1034/06 ES- 158-4156-96 ES9980973465SD ES- 689415341P
Serra International Lottery: AFY/7367/68/92/06 12/989/IPD/ES 246118906-083 62473
Shell Lottery Promo: Ng/9420X2/68 063/05/ZY369 56475600545-188 KTU/9023118308/03
Shell International: SH/9420X/05 074/05/ZY369 5647560054 188 KTU/9023118308/03
Silver Star International Lottery: FLS-ZF88-311P-8 2- 7-288-BCN 401-711-6495
SKL Global Lottery: 2752246896 652-662 AT-040SB06-03 652-662 W-91237-H°67/B4 IPL/4249859609/WP1
Sky Lottery: 88171/29281/57363 742-109-527-UK43 920/210/4509 FL09622/UK
Skyblue Lotto: 17940128111 1581015/HL
Snowball Lottery: SNL/4249859609/WP1 AT-040SB03-06 440-222 71004433 AT-147SB01-0
Snowball Stake Lottery: 34090322816 43568000/12 AFA/7854545411/NT
Software International Lottery: TTZRCLBDXRQBGJSNBOHMKHJYFMYXOEAIJ GWK/5333/025648/03UAD 241/2002/BLL 1001-58255563-2285 8888/03 02-22-00-66-99-85-52-12-36-50 GWK/4578/789834/746YU
Software Manufacturer: LSLUK/2031/8161/04 14/011/IPD
Software Organisation: 4598663330/14785 369865555 0_78963555
South African World Cup: 13/26/DC36 B9665 75604546 199 97560 6/8/27/10/19/30/42 KISCS433/2010SNLP/2006 KPC/9030108308/03
South Australia Lottery: 7458222754/08/06 905534213/255 XB3/701/LNRC 6741137002 ILP/MW 47509/02
Southeast Asia Lottery Int'l: EGS/ 22504002/03 15/0018/IPD 085-12876077-09 51390-0 03-05-12-14-28-38 N.EGS/3662367114/13
Spanish Euromillion: 67/80/IPD EGGS-541-623-782 653-908-321-675 345-790-241-671 34-32-90-43-32
Spain Free Lotto Award: 44/42/09-AES/06 06/EXD646509/WD 44/73/89/60
Spanish Global Lotteria:
Spanish Free Lottery: 74-A0802742005 2006UKFL-01 22-1356-4096-988 A069-07 12-13-21-26-32-39 2006UKL-01
Spanish Int'l Lotto: None
Spanish Online Int'l Lottery: Z720633X BTL/6311XI/06 16/10/0609 25/05/06 38309224634 5368/02 05 21 23 28 40 48 26 KTU/9023118308/03
Spanish Rolls Royce: SRR69108 / 06 B 2810-74W/L 2100457-7
Spanish Sweeftake Lottery International: WNTO/7416/VA/ES TWMT/1800/806 07-13-31.54-64 EMLES/2006/M CNMMM/67000/MMC
Spanish Sweepstake: RSSL/63-ILGI0501/45 RSSL/14/096/SMSC SP/0534/30/05 75/011/ISP KPC/9080333308/03 212005600545 188
Special FIFA Lotto: 2086/fifa/lottoclaims2007
Sponsors Lottery: TLOT/33372452560/04 24/AIS7632/Bacc 025-11464992-750
Staatsloterij Email Lottery: BVLNK/2031/9260/06 12/012/IPD
Staatsloterij International: 34V/27N/30H 03NL EZ90 556 MB-NL 88 17940123155 1581015/HL
9933 966987-1280
Staatsloterij Jackpot: FAQ/231- ILGI0431/05 EAPA/15/096/FAQ 20511465463-7644 472-9768-98 8-66-97-22-65-99 ABN/5333/025648/03UA
Staatsloterij Lottery Int: LSLUK/7031/8161/06 16/012/IPD 50941465206-529
Staatsloterij NL: LSLUK/3032/7151/06 13/022/IPD 80952456206-278 LSLUK/2031/8161/04 14/011/IPD 50941465206-529
Staatsloterij NL (Derijk): TL 22/15409 TL754/22/76 TL09622NL TL/0534/30/05
Staatsloterij NL (Sophia/Morgan): GML/2551256003/11 14/0017/IPD GMLA2-003 12077 425448/7785 CHN/2551256007/11 12033
Stadlotterij: NLD/2300786008/06 10/044/SLN 205-11465886-629 3772-99 7-14-17-23-31-44
Star Lottery: 900-309-6482 311 410-887
Star World Lotteries: TK7561/0429076B 2917-5598 0097-44746-041-764-64-2020
Stings: HGL-5-9827-NL\GSI 13-15-16-21-34-36 1490/001753V00/GSI GSI/2551256003/055
Striker Million Lottery: 37-13-43-54-67-11 PDV/475/76/21 SMLP PDV/06923/UK
Suddeutscheklassen: SKL/25/8787 SKL/Millionenformel/05/1288 65-5524
Superbal: BALL/23-44-11-17-21-3 BALL/9-20-2-22-1-33 20/37/49/70/
Super Enal Lotto: PL2/209318/09 18/103/HME 8561513507 7675213911 436425795822-5022 6614102
Supersonic Lotto: EL3/9318/04 8/163/EL EL-23133 EL-123542 EL-35 EL-9318
Supersorteo Lottery Games International: AS1-SS7-65LG BYT-KDH WSA-MJK-59RGZ AUF-UU4-5B PXQ8-Y43UY-ROL
Supersorteo Millones Espanol: SS894381-171 326/O6 15 23 34 40 -1227
Swedish Playtake: NM/207161/WOP SWE/074OY8/01/IL9 018-00741234057
Sweepstakes Online Lottery: UK/9420X2/68 074/06/ZY369 56475600545188 5368/02 4-7-18-19-35-40
Swiss Lotto: CSL/74/368/06 CS-121-LT-8-12-06 63538953216-435 172-488 641-9830170/OPj NIL- AIE/11217/2532 25081203 7-12-01-17-98-25-323
Swiss Lotto Satellite Lottery: 5, 7, 14, 17, 18, 43 1979-12
Techie Charity: TCP400738213952 206937216TW
Telstra Lotto Netherlands: TLIN/634789/53677 45556/BGUA 787-8766532210 5-33-12-06-78-04 3321/MN KD/PBG/33-A5567/LP
Thai International Promotions: APLA /00002564123 256398002 02104-06 OBLC/00002564123 31-05-67-75-25-40 253001/1589630
(The) National Lottery / Irish National Lottery 074/05/ZY369 UK/9420X2/68
The-Netherlands: NL/1121/70 3442/756/G/NL. NL233/4541X 436234529 5669/06 NL/1121/76
Thunderball: UK/9420X2/68 074/05/ZY369 56475600545 188 5368/02 KTU/9023118308/03
Toshiba-Microsoft: ADS/57845216/GWK UAD/2986542754/ADJ JJE231000015478 JC245GM457825 4524121100MM
Toto: 37-13-43-85-67-11 FL754/22/76 FL23112 FL/04/5237900/NL
Toyota Lottery: TY7448500 799BV90
Toyota Online Promotion: CVR-nr. 25554493
Transglobe Express: 132/756/4087 538901527-BB67
Triple Lottery Online: 639/898/002 430456543-DD23 278541465006-4872 1772-554
Trust International: 35149/337-5247/LNI 26371545-LNI/2005 54866235
2010 Promotional Lottery: PPT-3 41-27 17-23 02 21 25 38 42 49 (27)
UKChalot: (none)
UK International Lottery: 12/25/0340 BTL/101OXI/02 56475600545 188 KTU/9023118308/03
UK International Lottery (Hunt): UKON/5464K2/71 012/06/DR432 8390281
UK National Email Lottery: EAASL/941OYI/04 074/05/ZY369 6475600545 188 5368/02 KTU/9023118308/03
UK National Lottery: UKNL-L/200-26937 2005MJL-01 2006MJL-01 20511465463-7644 S/N-00168 887-13-865-37-10-83 UK/9420X2/68 074/05/ZY369 UKNL/26510460037/06 24/00319/IPD UK010105NOV JUN/1051/06 013-2316-2002-577
UK National Lottery Online: UK/786543X4/28 034/099/YX46 005-4432-971-878 XYL/26510460037/06 XYC /26500460037/08 74/00319/IPD 56475600545188
UK National Lottery Service: UK/910/16454 VC/32/ID1141 5224652456UT 0098/UK0204 KLTT/KTU/2004ETN
UK National Online: UKNL-L/200-26937 2005MJL-01 20511465463-7644 S/N-00168 887-13-865-37-10-83 UKL/478593G9/19 01/209/AD16G 12190/14 112-4540-525-106
UKOnline: UK/9420X2/68 074/05/ZY369 56475600545 188 KTU/9023118308/03
UK Overseas: UK/9420X2/68 274/04/ZY06 210432 5368/02 KTU/9023118308/24
UKSA National: UK/9420X2/68 074/05/ZY369 56475600545 188 5368/02 KTU/9023118308/03
UN Games Promo: UN/9420X2/68 074/05/ZY369 1322-4712-640 2177-16 21-18-8-28-05
UN Lottery Xmas Bonanza: UN/9420X2/68 074/05/ZY369 1322-4712-640 217716 21-18-8-28-05
UniAirVisa: MM-05XZX92388 WP-99771133
Union House: 90622089237-067 169-470 9-24-06-18-05-26
United Nations: UN/9420X2/68 074/05/ZY369 1322-4712-640 2177-16 21-18-8-28-05
Universal: OSL/653/029/06 AT-040-SB06-06 27522465896-532 652-662
Universal Lotto: ESM/WIN/008/05/10/MA EULO/2907/444/908/07
Universal Stakes: 132/756/4509 538901527-Bc68 27522465896-6453 27522465896-6453 652-662 7-14-18-23-31-45
Universal Swiss: FLC/11-20/2005 1755441200-ILS
Unlotto: 098750021 U N L/ 04311 1838/06 KTU/5033678303/09 44759004
Untitled/Vossestein: LSLUK/2031/8161/06 15/051/IPD van Waal: EUM DN 0508-9T5 EUM QY-3LJ4 3510-EM 47 NPU-34 12 22 32 33 36 (02-06)
Uplift International Lottery: 241918906-076 00189/04
Urban Lottery International: EGS/ 22504002/04 15/0018/IPD 085-12876077-09 51390-0 03-05-12-14-38 EGS/3662367114/13
Uthingo National Lottery: ZAR 23457677/2006 79-124-WAN 818-09 7-8-40-15-3-49
Venix Lotto: LNT456780909893 4-10-12-55-25-87 4978/NL IL/PLW/18-C0547671754
Vernus Millionaire Lotto: LNT456780909893 4-10-12-55-25-87 4978/NL IL/PLW/18-C0547671754 mt/nt/423275/01
Virgin International: 132/756/4534 278511465896-6452 638901527-AMB/02 3772-554 VLTT/34173HPG/GRCC 08 15 30 31 34 43 40 ATP/44863214257/3445328/511
Virginia International: DD/57845216/VIL. DERF/2986542754/KKU 768976540943 REF/346276353 PB/236578763 DD/57845216/VIL
Visa Lottery: DV2006 ID-6200DV Vol.176/866:Act 690SN SNVPh700IU ID-GRN777#4200DV#
VISA/Master Card Credit Lottery: NLD/3400786008/06 20/004/NLC ABC- 00465886-543
Vittorio Foundation: N-222-6747, E-900-56
Vodafone Online Promo International: FL/668530092 452006 LP/26510460037/02 V-3965-OP°57/C1
Vodafone Promotions: VFP /26510460037/02 24/00319/IPD VFP/25041238013/02
Volkswagen Automobiles Lottery: x7pwyz2006 12052006/21
Volkswagen Official Prize Award Notification Award: 346/7BB8/96ZZ 0084117776 09/09/2006
Volkswagen Promotional Lottery: x7pwyz2006 12052006/21
Watford Lottery: WT/4780608450/06 950/0050/WLC
Webmail Superball Promo: SW/90/0021/7896/56 34/0065/KJY 5772-54 3-4-17-28-35-44
Web Nett: FA67890378960 BLT239740768/2006/YH VNF18907634325JJJ FG908653546767GH2006 46780836633jhgo2006 6857-2356-1002-5784-9856
Welfare: EAA222147013545 17/000/AEY 034-1416-4612-750 53-68-05
Western Union: WUMTSLI/421/960/06 #4560 #456
WHO Financial Grants: WHOFGP/2551256003/03 14/0017/IPD 025-1146-1992-750 2113-05 13-15-22-37-39-43 WHOFGP2551256/06
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Promo: IPL/4249859609/WP1 652-662 AT-040SB06-03 2752246896
Winner Lotto Sweepstakes: SNL/2311786008/06 14/011/IP 205-11465886-629 3772-99 7-14-17-23-31-44
Winner Rainbow: RNL/2311786008/06 14/011/IP 205-11465886-629 3772-99 7-14-17-23-31-44
Winx Lotto: 46998126739 472-9768uk
Word Abonnee Lotto: 17940128111 1581015/HL
Word Lotto: 17940128111 1581015/HL
World Gaming Board Sweepstakes: LMES/1351/E07P ZVC/3513/ E07P EGM171/21/Z03
World Ride Foundation: ENG/17-CH/4720 LR/06/0018 33 -67-67 9-9-1-5-4-1-1
World Software International Lottery: GWK/5333/025648/03UAD 241/2002/BLL GWK/4578/789834/746YU
World Software Lotto International: XXL/NL4256/5DN NL3024/HNL 221-345782798 5-86-565-789-52-61 NL/LLH/72-N5363/AL
World Wide Web Lottery: CASA2010/000407/2007 6/49 CASA/218334205687/06 B9564 75604545 100 46560 10/19/20/35/36/38
World Wide Internet Technology Companies (WWITC) Numbers: PW EH 9590 OG 0612 PA 563881545-NL/2007
Xsmas Bonus Lottery: 5368/06 074/05/ZY345 Netherland/9420X2/70 56475612545
Yabo Millionare: FLS-ZR39-825P-4 74-263-BBN 100-309-7482 513-10
Yahoo: YLP/4910X1/05 12/25/0305 7804468845 0252393053
Yahoo/Msn: YM 09102XN YM35447XN YM09788
Zenith Lottery: ZL/2457812368/05 014/08/05/ZLINC 954-85421856-329 6327-77 2-4-9-11-17-21
Zo Werkt Lotto: 9484-9006-0076,2, 637409467-Nll.3, 1-0960-31-444
Senin, 21 Desember 2009
Internasional Jaringan Informasi Pencucian Uang
IMoLIN adalah jaringan berbasis internet membantu pemerintah, organisasi dan individu dalam memerangi pencucian uang dan pendanaan terorisme. IMoLIN telah dikembangkan dengan kerjasama terkemuka di dunia anti pencucian uang organisasi. Termasuk di sini adalah database pada peraturan perundang-undangan dan seluruh dunia (AMLID), sebuah perpustakaan elektronik, dan kalender peristiwa di anti pencucian uang / melawan terorisme pembiayaan bidang. Harap diperhatikan bahwa aspek-aspek tertentu IMoLIN dijamin dan karenanya tidak tersedia untuk kepentingan umum.
Penyalahgunaan IMoLIN UNODC dan nama untuk tujuan penipuan
Berbagai jenis penipuan email atau surat yang mengaku berasal dari atau berhubungan dengan IMoLIN dan / atau UNODC telah beredar meminta biaya untuk transfer uang. Dalam beberapa kasus, PBB dan UNODC logo serta IMoLIN nama dan logo adalah digunakan untuk tujuan penipuan. Penjahat yang curang mengaku dari UNODC, permintaan korban untuk membayar biaya layanan fiktif yang berkaitan dengan verifikasi asal dana dan menyatakan bahwa dana tersebut akan diblokir jika pelanggan gagal membayar biaya. IMoLIN UNODC dan tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk memblokir setiap account atau menerbitkan sertifikat untuk anti pencucian uang sesuai dan tidak akan pernah memerlukan biaya untuk layanan tersebut, karena tak satu pun dari layanan ini diberikan.
Mohon dicatat bahwa UNODC bukanlah lembaga penegak hukum dan jika Anda menerima email atau surat-surat palsu, kami sarankan agar Anda melaporkan hal itu ke pihak penegak hukum setempat.
---------------------------------------------text English -------------------------------------------
to the International Money Laundering Information Network
IMoLIN is an Internet-based network assisting governments, organizations and individuals in the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism. IMoLIN has been developed with the cooperation of the world's leading anti-money laundering organizations. Included herein is a database on legislation and regulations throughout the world ( AMLID), an electronic library, and a calendar of events in the anti-money laundering / countering the financing of terrorism fields. Please be advised that certain aspects of IMoLIN are secured and therefore not available for public use.
Misuse of UNODC and IMoLIN's names for fraudulent purposes
Various types of scam emails or letters purporting to be from or associated with IMoLIN and/or UNODC have been circulating requesting fees for the transfer of money. In some cases the UN and UNODC logos as well as IMoLIN's name and logo are being used for fraudulent purposes. Criminals who fraudulently claim to be from UNODC, request victims to pay fees for fictitious services relating to the verification of the origin of funds and claim that the funds will be blocked if the customer fails to pay the fees. UNODC and IMoLIN do not have the ability to block any account or issue any certificates for anti-money laundering compliance and will never require any fees for such services, since none of these services are rendered.
Kindly note that UNODC is not a law enforcement agency and if you receive any fraudulent emails or letters, we suggest that you report the matter to your local law enforcement authorities.
Pergi ke halaman dan temukan :
atau ke halaman berikut :
Kamis, 19 November 2009
Curi Tiga Buah Kakao, Nenek Divonis Satu Bulan
Minah di Pengadilan Negeri Purwokerto, Jateng.
Liputan6.com, Purwokerto: Seorang nenek, warga Ajibarang, Banyumas, Jawa Tengah, Kamis (19/11) jadi pesakitan di persidangan di Pengadilan Negeri Purwokerto, Jateng. Minah didakwa mencuri tiga buah kakao atau coklat di perkebunan milik perusahaan PT Rumpun Sari Antan. Ia mengambil buah kakao rencananya untuk benih.
Tanpa didampingi penasihat hukum, Minah harus menjawab semua pertanyaan majelis hakim. Akhirnya majelis hakim menjatuhkan hukuman satu bulan dengan masa percobaan tiga bulan tanpa harus menjalani kurungan tahanan.
Simak beritanya di http://www.liputan6.com
Rabu, 18 November 2009
Asli atau Palsu? Jika asli siapa bisa bantu membayar GBP870 ?

Google Incorporation.
Stamford New Road,
Altrincham Cheshire,
WA14 1EP
United Kingdom.
Winning No: GUK/877/798/2009
Ticket No: GUK/699/33/2009
Dear Winner Sukirno Priyanto.
On behalf of the screening committee of the Google Promotion Award Team, I wish to formally announce to you that you have successfully passed the Email screening and Verification test and clarification from our payment Office. All necessary documents that will facilitate the clearance of your Cheque Of £950,000.00 (Nine Hundred And Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds Sterling) in your Name has been processed and sealed in Your Winning parcel which contains the following documents:
1. WINNING CHEQUE VALUED £950,000.00 (Nine Hundred And Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds Sterling)
These documents has been securely sealed and packed for Security Reasons which makes it impossible for anyone to view it until it’s been delivered to you. Your parcel with Identification Number MSC/CPL/0978 has been sent to a Courier Company here in the United Kingdom (London Executive Courier). You are required to contact the international delivery department of London Executive Courier immediately with the details below:
London Executive Courier.
Email: services@execintl.com
Tel: +447011173889
Fax: +442030041139
NOTE: You are required to immediately contact London Executive Courier with their contact details above and request for the safe delivery formalities of your parcel to your address. It is imperative that you quote your parcel identification number in your mail or call to London Executive Courier for easy identification of your parcel in their company.
I will require a concise update as soon as you are in contact with the courier company.
Sir. Andreas Georgetown.
Foreign Transfer Manager.
Google Promotion Award Team.
Google Incorporation.
Winning No: GUK/877/798/2009
Ticket No: GUK/699/33/2009
Notification Date: 24/10/2009
We wish to congratulate you once again on this note, for being part of our winners selected this year. This promotion was set-up to encourage the active users of the Google search engine and the Google ancillary services.
Hence we do believe with your winning prize, you will continue to be active and patronage to the Google search engine. Google is now the biggest search engine worldwide and in an effort to make sure that it remains the most widely used search engine, we ran an online e-mail beta test which your email address won �950,000.00 {Nine Hundred And Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds Sterling}
We wish to formally announce to you that you have successfully passed the requirements, statutory obligations, verifications, validations and satisfactory report Test conducted for all online winners.
A winning cheque will be issued in your name by Google Promotion Award Team, You have therefore won the entire sum of 950,000.00 {Nine Hundred And Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds Sterling} and also a certificate of prize claims will be sent along side your winning cheque.
Sir Andreas Georgetown.
Foreign Transfer Manager
Google Promotion Award Team
Email: andrea.georgetown@gala.net
Fax: +44 (0) 7679 18722
You are advised to contact your Foreign Transfer Manager with the following details to avoid unnecessary delay and complications:
(1) Your contact address.
(2) Your Tel/Fax numbers.
(3) Your Nationality/Country.
(4) Your Full Name.
(5) Occupation/Company.
(6) Age/Gender.
(7) Ever won an online lottery?
The Google Promotion Award Team has discovered a huge number of double claims due to winners informing close friends relatives and third parties about their winning and also sharing their pin numbers. As a result of this, these friends try to claim the lottery on behalf of the real winners. The Google Promotion Award Team has reached a decision from headquarters that any double claim discovered by the Lottery Board will result to the canceling of that particular winning, making a loss for both the double claimer and the real winner, as it is taken that the real winner was the informer to the double claimer about the lottery. So you are hereby strongly advised once more to keep your winnings strictly confidential until you claim your prize.
Congratulations from the Staffs & Members of the Google interactive Lotteries Board Commission.
Dr. Donald Lloyd.
Google Promotion Award Team.
Welcome |
Country: NIGERIA
Kamis, 12 November 2009
Seberapa mampukah anda membayar?
Boleh jadi ketika kita tidak cukup mampu, mereka akan membayarkan sebagian besar biaya dengan negoisasi kita yang mencerminkan suatu keadaan sebenarnya, bahwa kita tidaklah cukup mampu untuk mencari pinjaman, disinilah kelemahan kita.
Kita dipaksa mereka untuk harus membayar. Berapapun anda sekarang mampu? itu pertanyaan logis sebagai pancingan sebuah penanganan yang harus diladeni, sehingga kita akan terjerat dan tak akan lepas. Kenapa?
Ini disebabkan bahwa dengan kerjasama ini yang hanya beberapa ratus dollar anda kirimkan, anda akan merasa dana anda sebagai sumber kehidupan, sehingga anda mengandalkan pelayanan mereka, yang memerlukan sedikit demi sedikit, dan terus dan terus untuk segera bisa melakukan pengiriman uang melalui Western Union.
Anda tahu bahwa sebelum anda mengirim uang, pasi dari agen Western Union menanyakan apakah anda tidak tertipu? pasti anda menjawab dengan tegas, "TIDAK".
Padahal anda dalam hati bertanya, apakah benar uang yang akan datang setelah saya mengirim biaya ini segera dapat masuk ke rekening saya?
Dan andapun tetap bersikeras untuk dapat mengirimkan uang padanya, padahal siapa yang anda kirim dengan nama yang tidak sama dengan orang yang anda hubungi, dengan alasan ia adalah Staf kantor, atau ia adalah Kashier, atau juga ia adalah Pengacara yang ditunjuk oleh Bank.
Setelah berhasil uang anda dikirim, anda akan merasa bahwa anda berhasil dan selanjutnya anda dikirim aplikasi form untuk membuat pernyataan, ataupun untuk pengiriman dana anda melalui Bank yang telah disetujui, anda tercantum dalam file tersebut diharuskan membayar biaya pembukaan aplikasi bank untuk proses tersebut, yang jumlahnya cukup lumayan, kisaran $350.
Anda kirimkan lagi, karena terlanjur sudah siap untuk menerima dana.
Setelah anda menerima aplikasi sah, anda mendapat pemberitahuan, dikarenakan untuk efisiensi, bank mengirimkan paket, melalui kurir diplomatik. anda menerima konfirmasi keberangkatan kurir diplomatik menuju negara anda, bandara internasional, yang akan tiba setelah beberapa jam atau beberapa hari. anda merasa lebih tenang, karena diplomatik akan segera datang kepada anda untuk mengantarkan dana anda untuk berbagi dengan orang yang anda hubungi untuk segera datang ke depan pint rumah anda.
Apa yang terjadi, ketika kurir diplomatik datang di Bandara Internasional negara anda, maka anda dihubunginya, dan diberitahu bahwa biaya konsinyasi bandara internasional adalah diatas $1200. anda terkejut. anda bingung untuk mencari uang yang tidak sedikit, tergantung dapat atau tidak? anda tetap tidak sabar untuk bisa bertemu dengan kurir diplomatik.
Pernahkah terbayang, kurir diplomatik akan datang di depan pintu rumah anda? pasti...
Tapi mereka berada di Kedutaan Negara asal, mereka tidak bisa pergi dari kedutaan. anda membayar dengan diangsur hingga cukup biaya. Apa yang terjadi setelah cukup? anda diharuskan datang di bandara internasional, kalau tidak ia akan meminta anda biaya tambahan untuk pulang pergi dari bandara internasional ke rumah anda dengan didampingi sekurity kedutaan, akan datang kepada anda. jika anda tidak mengambil sendiri, maka anda akan tidak mampu dengan tambahan biaya tersebut, karena anda akan meminjam uang dari orang lain.
Selanjutnya bank mempertimbangkan untuk membantu anda dengan pengiriman melalui internasional transfer. anda diminta tidak banyak biaya, anda menerima aplikasi transfer ke rekening anda, pada bank anda. Namun dalam beberapa waktu, anda akan mendapat konfirmasi dari United Nations, bahwa dana anda telah dihentikan dikarenakan masalah Terorist dan Obat Terlarang, dan anda disarankan untuk menghubungi bank untuk membuat sertifikat anti pencucian uang dan obat terlarang. akankah anda sukses, ataukan anda sukses ketika anda menemui petugas diplomatik di bandara internasional negara anda, ataukah anda sukses dalam transaksi ini dengan mulus tanpa adanya anda diminta pengiriman biaya walau sepeserpun?
Anda saya persilahkan memberika komentar di blog ini jika anda sukses, jika anda juga gagal, jika anda pernah menerima email semacam ini, atau jika anda ingin tahu.
Anggap ini sebagai pelajaran berharga bagi kita semua.
Terima kasih atas komentar atas posting saya. Penulis.
Apakah sebuah Spam, Fraud, atau asli?
Masih tentang email yang belum diketahui kebenarannya silahkan baca dengan seksama, dan pelajari hal ini, terima kasih.
Jika anda merasa bahwa pemberitahuan ini adalah asli, silahkan komentar di bawah ini.
Salam, penulis.
Sequel to the final approval granted from United Nations for transferring of your Money.
We are writing in regards to a letter that we received from UNODC concerning a stop order notice because of non-submission of an Anti Terrorist/Drug Clearance.
As that is a legal specific instructions, authorizations for acquisition and effectiveness of the operation of external transfer of huge amount of money.
We suggest you to contact United Nations on Drug and Crime (UNODC) Department Attn: Mr. Henry Kwok Email: unitednationsondrug@asia.com to issue the Anti Terrorist and Drug Clearance on your favor for immediate crediting your fund to your account.
Yours truly,
Mr. James Yang,
Tel: 008615013107970
Post Box: GPO Box 872
Web site: www.icbc.com.cn
James Yang.
Tel: 008615013107970
You are advice to send the processing fee through western union to the processing officer in Charge of your file. Receivers Name: AWUDAMKI HENRY
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 6222003602100654247
Juan Justice.
Compliance officer in Beijing